Homemade Jones Geniuses Matrix Math Manipulatives

L&O’s Mom, Thank you for sharing your ideas!

I’ve been thinking about this particular thread for weeks now…wondering if I’ll ever get my act together to post my pictures. I JUST got my rectangular wood pieces cut today, so now they are a bit higher up on my “To Do” pile (I don’t know about your pile, but mine doesn’t seem to ever shrink!). I also bought some new foam numbers a few days ago to punch holes into for cocktail straws - the last set I bought didn’t work out too well, but I want to try a different approach - another reason I love dollar stores - cheap enough to make a mistake and buy a 2nd set!

As for < and > when I taught kgtn I maded these little cardboard circles with a triangular mouth cut out (picture pac man). I had some red glitter glue to paint “lips” around the mouth to make it a little fun - but they did not have eyes…only the mouth. I told the kids that they were my Math Munchers and that they always wanted MORE. It didn’t matter that they didn’t have eyes, their mouths could always figure out where there was more…and, they would turn their mouths that direction. When we did paper/pencil activities, they each had their own math muncher and would trace the opening of the mouth between the two amounts or numerals.

math munchers…cute!!! I like it!

And yes, my list is a mile long too. I have countless “school” activities I need to do! “print more flashcards” always seems to be at the top of the list!


Above is a fun little numberline activity…I suppose it’s not really a “JG” manipulative, but I figured that this would be the best thread to put this in.

My musical and NOISY boy really likes these JG jingle numbers. I very easily found pipecleaners in all the colours I had previously selected to represent the various numbers. These are really good for little ears who appreciate noise and volume :slight_smile: He had such an easy time understanding “more” and “less” because of the sounds these numbers make - one is “Piano” and eight is “Forte”. Plus, there’s the tactile element, too, of the fuzzy pipecleaner.

In the picture are bottle caps that I collected or asked friends for (still looking for a purple lid for #7). We had just finished playing a floating game with them - after he scooped them up he was to place them by the matching jingle numbers.