home made curriculum in other language than english


I am new here. My mother tongue is not English. I have bought LR for one year old son because I find it very interesting and useful. But I am a little bit skeptical about teaching him to read in foreign language (English) before teaching him to read his mother tongue. I would like to know what kind of experience do you have with teaching kids to read English as foreign language first. In addition I would like to know if it is possible to create my own curriculum in my language (with the advanced edit/play option) and save original curriculum for the late times also. In other words I want to create my own curriculum on the basis of original one (meaning with the same words translated and recorded to my language) if it is possible of course. Thank for your help!


English is my first language so can’t help you with teaching English first as a forgein language. You can however translate the curriculum and show it to him in whatever language you like - in fact you can make any category you like on LR and so can teach him whatever you like on it in whatever language you choose. I would advise playing around with new categories until you understand how they work and how to make a new one and insert images - this is a whole side of LR that I am scared is becoming lost since the curriculum came out and it is the part of LR that I liked best - that I can change it and get it to teach my child anything. With practice making your own categories takes less and less time.


thanks you a lot! I know I have to practice to create new categories. It takes some time and it seems to be complicated:)I have tried to ‘copy’ original english semester 1 curriculum for example but without success. What I want to do is to make my own curriculum in my language and to save the original one. Is it possible to to this with import/export function or maybe with the backup function? Or I have to do this just with advanced play/edit function.

Thanks you a lot!


This is how I would do it:

Go to advanced play/edit then display the semester course you are using (I presume you would be using semester course 1)
Click on the Days Lesson that you want to edit
Then click on Word Flash and the word you are editing should come up
Click on the word you wish to edit first (eg Clap)
Now translate the word and change the audio files to go with the word you translated
Click Next and add/change the audio files on the next page
Then click cancel and repeat for all the other words

It is a lot of work! This is why many times when I make my own files I do not put audio in and perhaps you could leave it out if you are prepared to always read the words you translated to your child - then you would just have to delete the audio files which would be quicker.

I am not sure if you could save a version of the original in English first and then edit it to a different name - maybe ask the Brillkids team how you could do this. They should be happy to help.

Tanikit, I have done what you suggested to do:)Yes, it works, but I have to delete some originals records if I want that the right (my) record comes at the right time. I know it is a lot of work but I think it is worth but just in case that I do not delete the original version which really good… Anyway, I will ask the BK team about it too. Thanks! b

Tanks a lot for your advice about audio too! Till now I am trying on Trial Version. Just in case:):)The original is to worth to change it for ever!

Hi, to translate files you’ll first need to export the file you want to change

go to Tools - Import/Export Content - then select the files you want to use
Click on EXPORT and save file to your hard drive.

Then to import the file back to LR
Go to Tools - Import/Export Content
Click on IMPORT and select file from your hard drive
Click on Advanced Options if you want to make sure file is renamed.

And now you can translate the new file!
Hope this helps.


thank for your advice too! It works but I still can not make my own curriculum. When I export and then import the curriculum its content is copied to Categories map so I can’t play it as a course but just as a category what is not what I want to do. I won’t give it up but I am afraid that it is the only way to do it. If you have any additional suggestions I will appreciate that. B

I think the closest thing you can do to make your own curriculum is to create your own playlists (this is the tab next to categories) which allow you to select words from different categories you’ve made. I never got around to doing this - I only ended up playing each category for 5-7 days before retiring.

Click on tab PLAYLIST
then NEW. Name your new playlist
Click on EDIT will come up with all the categories you have created/downloaded on Little Reader.
Select a category you wish to take words from.
Click the word you want to put into your playlist. Use the right arrow to copy the word into your playlist. Use the left arrow to remove word from playlist.
You can select words from any category.

By creating a playlist you don’t change anything in the category itself. When you retire a word, you’ll have to manually remove the word from the playlist. I know some people have used an excel spreadsheet to track which words they retire and when, you’ll have to search it in the forum. (not sure what keywords to use - maybe Doman spreadsheet??)

Michajs, thank you very much again! Kezia’s suggested me the same thing and now I believe it’s possible. I’ve been already trying this… just need some time to figure out the whole sistem. Hopefully it’ll work in this way:)B

We used “Your baby can speak German” to teach my 3-year old child German:


Thank you i’ve been trying to find your baby can read german!

I’ve just purchased the software, am trying to do the same, create a curriculum in my own language and teach it along the English.
I tried to follow michjas advise on exporting and importing the English category. I do that, with renaming the new folder and even renaming all the lists in it.
But when I try to change a word within it, it changes the word in the original curriculum and in the English lessons. It changes the same word everywhere! it is quite crazy! I’m stuck, what to do?!
Please Help!


I had the exact problem rondaniel is having, I posted this exact message a day ago on another post, hope it doesn’t bother any of you.

Here’s my way of translating the categories:

  1. Open Little Reader
  2. Click on ADVANCED PLAY / EDIT
  3. Click on Categories
  4. Open the folder BK English Course (Semester 1) (for example)
  5. Click on Action Words 1 (for example)
  6. Left click on clap (for example)
  7. Select Save As…
  8. Rename the card and save it
  9. Now you have two clap cards, select the new one and make sure it has the name you just gave it. (double click on it the check on the OTHER tab)
  10. Change the text and other things, record your voice or even add photo’s, vids, sounds etc. delete all the sound files you don’t want, but don’t delete mp3 files that have an fx in the name like “bk wild animals fx - cat1.mp3” those you want to keep, it’s for example the sound of a cat.
  11. Save the card and repeat 6…10 for the entire category
  12. Left click on Action Words 1 (for example)
  13. Select Save As and rename your new category.
  14. Now the two categories have double the amount of cards they should have (both categories have the english cards and the translations’ cards) so for the Action Words 1 category, delete all the translated cards and for the translated catgory delete all the english ones.
  15. Repeat for all the 60 odd BK Categories.

Once you’ve got all the categories translated, you wait, there’s a new version of little reader coming out that will allow you to select categories and auto generate a course, but heck knows when the new version is coming, I’m more excited for Little Musician to come out!!!

I hope this atleast half helps, but if someone has a better way I’d be just as glad to hear it.

Also, the good news is that LR Version 3 will be released soon and it will have additional options which would make it much easier to create your own curriculum!

Here is an update on it written by KL: http://forum.brillkids.com/little-reader/little-reader-v3-0-look-what’s-coming-next!/