Holiday Gifts?

For those of you that celebrate a gift-giving holiday, like Christmas, what do you plan to get for your kids?
How about for your spouse?
And will you give a gift to your neighbors? If so, what?

I’m looking for idea, lol!

hey this is a good topic and i too wanna the idea too.

can someone give as an idea :smiley:

I would give my husband something that is in the category of “electronics” :wink: About any kind of gadget would make him happy :smiley:

My 2-year-old asked for the “moon” for Christmas!! lol

We bought him this: It’s really neat, because it will go through the phases of the moon and teach him about space. It’s not just a toy we will donate in two months when he stops playing with it.

Last year he got this: This is a really neat, really awesome toy that will, again, grow with him. I, personally, have learned so much about the stars with this toy!

lol the moon! [I should ask my husband for this, just to see what he’ll get me!]

I’m into the habit of buying little things throughout the year and keeping them as Christmas presents so it wouldn’t be too hard on the pocket once the holiday season starts. :biggrin: For my husband, I’ll be getting him something to wear (he likes looking good hahaha) and for my MIL I’ll be getting her something for the home - I figure I can’t go wrong with fragrance burners that will make the house smell good, and a lot of the shops here have them packaged with scented oils and candles in really nice wrapping.

For friends, I usually try to get something more in tune to their personalities, but nothing too expensive. Useful knickknacks for the office are usually nice, or something that I know will make them either laugh or smile is good in my book.

For my cousin and niece (4 years old and yet to be born this January respectively) I’ll be getting them something to help with their education - educational toys are great presents for Christmas, and the skills they will develop using them is priceless! lol

We made home made fudge for friends & neighbors.

Electronics for the husband.

K will be getting wooden beads to string & a wooden animal puzzle that makes animal sounds when you put the correct piece in. I’m not done shopping yet though, so I’m still looking for ideas.

I bought my children toys this year that encourage symbolic play and fine motoring skills. I also included plenty of books of their favourite tv characters. My husband a new cell phone and I’m still looking for the rest.

It’s much harder to buy for a teenager than it is a child!!

We have a foreign exchange student from China, and he hates to buy things that were made in China. So it’s been really hard to buy for him!! lol

He’s getting a couple books, a Christmas ornament, and something else that I forgot :nowink:

I am giving my husband a watch