
Hola!! Mi nombre es Virginia :slight_smile: , soy argentina, pero vivo en Mexico. Tengo una nena de 1 ano, a la cual enseno junto con otros 4 ninos de diferentes edades. Estoy muy contenta de participar en este programa ya que es una herramienta util para la educacion de los ninos.
Espero poder ser de gran ayuda.
Atte: Virginia.

Hola Virginia bienvenida al foro, mi nombre es Sebastián y tambien soy Argentino, soy un usuario bastante nuevo por aqui asi que aprovecho para darte una calida bienvenida en nuestra lengua materna :wink:
Espero pronto nos puedas comentar tu experiencia con tus niños, cualquier cosa en que te pueda ayudar avisame.


Hello and welcome to this fantastic forum!

I look forward to getting to know you better and reading your posts. Please feel free to browse around. Also please feel free to join your country of origin board, This will help you get connected with other like minded parents from your country but also give you a place where you can talk freely about issues related to early education, and activites in which you may be able to get your child/ren involved in

ps I dont speak spainish but i would like to learn feel free to join in any of our conversations

Hi Kimba!
Thank very much!! Siento no poder escribir en ingles, la verdad me frustra un poco, ja!, pero ya voy a aprender. Por otro lado entiendo ingles. Me gustaria saber mas de ti.
Sin duda seguire tu consejo. :slight_smile: .

Hello Virginia! :blush:

Welcome to our BrillKids Forums!

Be sure to browse through the different topics on early education here in the forums - and please feel free to participate in the discussions, too! We hope that you will share your parenting experience with us here, and I look forward to reading about your adventures while teaching your little one!

We also recommend visiting our BrillBaby website for more information about how to teach your baby - the site covers several topics that may interest you: from prenatal stimulation to life skills to teach your little one.

We’re glad to have you!

Lappy :happy: