hiccups????? did you know

Hiccups happen when the diaphragm, the muscle that controls our breathing, becomes irritated and start to spasm and contract uncontrollably. With each contraction, air is pulled into the lungs very quickly, passes through the voice box, and then the epiglottis closes behind the rush of air, shaking the vocal chords, causing the “hic” sound. The irritation can be caused by rapid eating, emotional stress and even some diseases. The best cure? Breathing into a paper bag. This calms the diaphragm by increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in your bloodstream.

That’s interesting. I’ll have to try it next time.

Can’t wait for someone to get the hiccups! :laugh: We’ve always gotten a mouth full of water and put our heads down between our knees, then swallowed. The bag trick sounds a lot easier. :slight_smile:

This is a nice trick. will have to try it out.

Thats cool even i will try it out!!!

its absolutely a nice trick…if i get hiccups surely i wud try it out.

FYI, when baby is having hiccups, give him/her a pacifier to suck for a while and soon will get over it. That’s an advice from a nurse when she saw my baby was having hiccups and we were trying to feed him water and more water.

interesting stuff…

I always thought hiccups have smth to do with your stomach. Will try it out next time! :wink:

What I do is hold my breath. That’s the most simple solution I found. But don’t try this on your kids!

See, I had heard about this holding breath technique before, but could not get it to work…

UNTIL I realized that the KEY element to making it work is this:

- You must not only hold your breath, but you must HOLD IT FOR AS LONG AS YOU CAN!

Yep, it needs to go to the point that you simply cannot bear it anymore. It is reaching THAT point that your hiccups will magically go away.

Sometimes, going slightly into the ‘discomfort zone’ will be enough to get rid of it. But other times, you really must go the max distance before it goes away.

Also, do not ‘waste time’ by taking a deep breath before you hold it. Just start holding it at the end of your exhalation cycle.