
Hi there!

My name is Maquenzie, and I’ve got two daughters. DD1, Elizabeth, is 3 and DD2, Catherine is almost 1. I’ve really just heard of early learning and did not do any of this type of early learning with Elizabeth (or Catherine, but I’m hoping it’s not too late).

DD1 goes to Montessori school, and we have had a Montessori-style home since she was almost 2 and we sold her crib and set up a floor bed for her. We did not do any type of early literacy or early math with her. In fact, we likely had less letters around our home because we had been trying to use only lowercase letters and they are harder to come by. Anyway, DD1 is reading only a few words and phonetically. She does not seem to enjoy doing so, and I don’t really push her. I’d love to hear some ideas for supplements to do with her. If, you think I should. With math, she is progressing through the Montessori math curriculum at school and is playing with teen numbers (to understand quantity), counting-wise, she can count to 39 and thereafter needs help with the 40, 50, etc to 100. She loves school and her teacher has commented that she loves new lessons more than the other children and has a strong drive to learn new things. Above all, I want her to keep that. She also takes Suzuki violin and uses a 1/16 violin. She’s only started a few months ago. I’m interested in supplementing her Suzuki music with music reading as I want her to have strong sight-reading abilities. We also have a piano in our home, but my husband and I feel its important that she have one instrument to use completely for free play and find the piano most suited to that. She also loves to cook and would love to learn foreign languages (but I have not known where to start–help would be appreciated!).

The baby, Catherine, is very strong verbally and slower with her motor skills. She surprises me with what she will vocalize, 5-7 word sentences. She is not walking yet, and really doesn’t even seem that close. Her speaking abilities surprised me and had me looking into advanced babies which was what ultimately led me here. I had never encountered this type of early education before. I’m intrigued and would love to learn what I can do with both of my children. I’m interested in Doman-style reading and encyclopedic bits for Catherine. In looking at online information about math, I’m debating between Doman style and Little Math. I had been resisting screen time, but I may give in for Little Math. I can certainly see the benefit of randomizing the red dots electronically. I have not purchased any of these materials, but am thinking about doing so soon.

Does anyone run Little Math through Bootcamp on a mac here? I’d love feedback.

It’s nice to meet you all! I’d love to hear any recommendations for either of my kids. I think some of you gave some in the post I started as a Guest. Thank you!! You piqued my interest!