
Hi everyone, I am new to Brill kids and all its seemingly amazing baby learning tools. I am thinking of purchasing the reading and math learning tools and have a couple questions i am hoping I could get answered:

I have two 11 month old boys, 1 learns better with the use of visual aids, the other with audio aids, will the little reader system accomodate both learning styles?
I am a working mother and in the next 2 months the kids should be in day care - how long does the daily session last for teaching little reader? I am thinking of teaching little reader daily for the next two months and in the morning or evening after they start daycare.
I have read that little math takes a bit more time commitment than I might have to give but would it still be beneficial to the kids if I bought it and taught them on Saturdays and Sundays?

Thanks in advance for your responses and warm welcome.

Welcome to the forum!
Little Reader should be great for both of your kids. They will see and hear the words plus see pictures and hear other sounds associated with the words. A LR lesson is just a few minutes long, depending on how fast you flash the words. I’d say no longer than 10 minutes. LM is much shorter.

I am on my way out the door, so I can’t post more, but why don’t you download the free trials and try them out?

welcome to the forum

Thanks for your response, it does make sense… I think I am going to give it a try and thanks for the welcome Zaku