HI to you all

I am a new member, and i live in Greece. I have been reading through the website, and i found it extremely interested!! i want so much to teach my baby of 11 months to read, and i really hope i will succeed. my baby boy, Jim, is right now crawling around the room, can hold on to furniture and stand up on his own and can make some steps with me holding onto his hand (one hand). He is a restless boy and has a great personality. He insists on doing what he wants every time and although he can only say mama and pappa, he can understand a lot more.
my concern is the language. I cannot find any advice for the greek language, and i am afraid that what you explain in this website refers only to english. i would be very interested in creating something in Greek, maybe with your help or your guidance?
there is nothing similar present here, so it will be something that many parents would like to do with their kids.
do you have any suggestions, advice or guidance to give me?
is there the possibility of translating some of your content in greek, under your acceptance of course?
also i would like to ask, how possible it is to teach my baby boy some english as well… i was living in the UK for 8 years, and i speak english fluently. is it ok for me to try with some english words as well or is it too early?

thank you and sorry for this big post!!!

Hi renagr8,
Welcome to BrillKids
You do not have to apologize for the length of your post ever :biggrin:
It is so great to hear your son is enjoying exploring his surroundings. My Little Prince has started pulling himself up it is amazing he will come so close to your face and look you directly in your eyes with a look on his face like he is concerned for your well being and then he will break out the biggest smile ever.
I have been back and forth on the idea of teaching my son other languages before he is speaking our native language.
The only downside I have found about teaching him multi languages this early is that it may create a speech delay.
After I researched the delay average (it is not much at all until you start teaching more than 7 languages) I am continuing to teach him chinese and spanish and of course our native language English.

You can incorporate Greek into the Little Reader program by adding your own voice etc. please follow the link below to a recent post where Kezia gives complete instructions
