hi to every one


how lucky i found this website. it’s very interesting n informative
i’m a mom of 6month old baby.

now, i’m searching materials to teach my daughter. hope that now is not too late for me to teach her and for her to learn something.

i m a new mother n i hope that i can be a good teacher for my beloved children. for that i must struggle to learn n to know everything…

hope that u all can help me to improve parenting skill esp for our baby’s education

nice to see u all!!

Hi and welcome to the forums. It is great to have you here! 6 months is definitely not too late to start teaching your daughter! That’s a great age to start. There are so many parents and educators here that have posted many wonderful ways of teaching. I hope you take some time to read through the forums so you can learn all the wonderful ways to teach your baby. Please let us know if you have any questions or need advice.