hi to every one

hi, i’m new at this web site and i still do not know how to post new topic or just where to go?can some one help me with this?
thanks :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

If you click on Forums, you’ll see all the topics here. Choose one title taht you like and browse through it. You’ll get it in a while, just look through :wink:

Hi Gablodablo!

It looks to me like you’ve already figured out the answer to your problem even before you told us about it! lol In posting about your problem with the website, you have successfully posted a new topic!

If you are new to foruming, it may take a while to get used to the control, but to create a new post or reply to an existing one, all you have to do is to click on the REPLY or NEW TOPIC. :yes: And not to worry - if you have any other questions, simply ask any of us here in the forums! We’ll be happy to help!



thanks to karma anh lappy.i ve just tried and it worked.thanks

I wish all problems were so easy to solve!!

lol lol lol