Hi there!

Hi! I’m new to the forums and just wanted to swing by and say hello… so, HELLO! :slight_smile:

My husband and I are first time parents and our baby girl is approaching 11 months old. I saw a video on YouTube of a toddler reading some words and decided to do more research- which eventually led me here. I’m glad to be here but I’m a bit overwhelmed and unsure of where & how to begin. I’m sure I’ll catch on quickly and can’t wait to meet everyone!

Hi ksomom,

Very welcome to have you here!

It can be a bit overwhelming at first, but don’t worry…

If you ever have a question, don’t be shy and ask! That’s the fastest way to learn.


Lawrence :slight_smile:

Hi there…I too feel overwhelmed. I’ve been a stay-at-home mom for a few years now and feel so lost on the forums…so I’m starting to read thru a bunch of the posts.

I’m sure all the BrillKids folks will answer your questions, but feel free to also ask me (a very new newbie) and maybe we can learn all this stuff together.?

Have you downloaded the Little Reader yet?