Hi! New people on the block!

Hi there! I’m excited to be part of this forum!

I’ve always been interested in early childhood learning, but when my first son was born with Down syndrome, my interest has skyrocketed. :slight_smile: My son’s name is Hunter, he’s six months and AWESOME, and I’m looking forward to learning from all you amazing parents who are also using early learning with your kids. :slight_smile:

I am pretty new here too and have learned SO much in the forum. I think the consensus is to do everything as young as possible. I would have loved to start at 6 months but didn’t know about right brain learning until my dd was almost 2 1/2. Good luck!

I’m new around here, too! I’ve found it helpful to just start browsing threads and using the search function when I read something that I don’t quite understand or want more information about. There seems to be an endless amount of things to learn; I’m hoping I don’t burn out :nowink:

One blog that I found while browsing here might be of interest to you:

I’m sure there are many others out there, but kmum is an active member of the forum.

Anyway, great to say hello - and hope to interact with you in the future!

Hii,welcome to new era of learning.I am also new and my most click area is this one.
We enjoy ,learn and share.hope you also enjoy . :slight_smile:

Thanks all for the welcome! :slight_smile: PokerDad, that blog is how I found out about BrillKids, lol! K is amazing and so is her mom! I will be so thrilled if my son accomplishes a love and ability for reading like that little girl has!