HI New here .. want to introduce myself

HI everyone,
hope things are good on your end.
My son is 3.5 year old, he is a sensory kid, with a rare chromo disorder.
he doesnt talk and has delays in fine , gross motor areas.
i came to know about brillkids via a group.
i would appreciate any ideas , advice suggestions from you about is it too late for him to start on a reading and math program?
how would i go about it etc.
i am glad to be here and its an encouragement for me
many thanks in advance

Could you give us some more details about his specific needs?
It isn’t too late! In fact you probably have an extended right brain window with your child in which to flash even more information. Most children switch to left brain between 4 and 6 but your child’s development may be delayed in this area which will allow you more time to present facts.

To start download the little reader free trial and see what he thinks of it.
Little reader helps vocabulary development, if speech is possible.
Deside on some goals. What is most important to you. Speech? Physical skills? Reading? Math? Or even ALL of it!
Use the search feature in the forum here to read up on as many topics as interest you. H more you know the more you can help your child. Ask any questions you come up with and we will do our best to help you out. :yes:
Welcome to the forum and welcome to your early learning journey!

He has sensory processing disorder , chromo deletion.
2q32.2-33.1 it’s a rare deletion and there are only 20 known cases in the world
so not much information is available .
Due to which he has hypotonia(low muscle tone) . He walked really late , he was almost 2 yrs.
He babbles but no word yet.
Has fine motor delays , also he cannot climb up down stairs independently.
needs support for it.
His way to communicate is pointing, gestures .
I tried teaching him alphabets , numbers colors but he was not interested .
He still scribbles with crayons.
Receptively he functions at an 12-18 month level.
Follows one step directions.
I have downloaded the trial version of LR. Need to study it.
I would currently like to focus on his speech , language and communication.
Please send me suggestions if you could .
I am reading some posts on the forum too
Many thanks in advance.

Ok so some places to get started. :smiley:
Firstly I recommend you read some books by Glenn Doman. In your case what to do about your brain injured child would be a great place to start. Then his physically superb book will give you even more ideas. Hre is the website link for information but most of the time the books are available from the library or amazon.
After that to ease your future communication problems have you considered teaching some sign language? There are many threads on baby signing time on this forum, it could alleviate some frustration as you work on speach development. Little reader does wonders for enhancing vocabulary understanding and hearing all the words articulated separately and clearly often helps children develop speech.
Talking alot to children as you go about your every day life is another valuable technique. Chatter constantly about what you are doing. Don’t just pick up the toys, talk about the toys as you pick them up.
I think it would be a good idea to work on both speech and physical skills now. Rather than just focus on communication. You child has some catching up to do in a physical sense. It’s best to get started on that now, the more practice kids get the better they are.
Keep reading everything on the forum. You have much to learn that will help your child succeed. Don’t be discouraged by the lack of medical information, time and time again children here have proven the doctors wrong.
I have just given you some ideas to start. If you would like some specific advise from others with children of different chromosome patterns please start a new post with your questions. Many here are retry willing to help!
You are in the right place :slight_smile: