Hi, I'm Megan from the US

Hi all,

I’ve owned LR for 6 months now, but have only posted once on the forum. Here’s my background:

I have two children, ds who’s 32 mos and dd who’s 8 months. I didn’t give early reading much credence until my son was approaching eighteen months olds, and we found ourselves bored. I started with YBCR (the only product I knew of at the time) and he blew through it. I ended up buying LR shortly after he turned two b/c I didn’t feel I was keeping up with making materials on my own with a new baby. We went through semester 2, especially to continue with the phonics, and I’ve been entirely making my own playlists on LR for a while now. Right now, I feel starting homeschool is a must within the next three months.

I started LR with dd a month ago. She laughs and smiles through it, but I find her attention drifts during the last catergory of the multisensory section. Then, with the picture flash, she’s back on it.

Hello Megan & Welcome to the forums.

Sounds like your little guy is one smart cookie! :slight_smile: What types of topics/subjects are you looking to begin teaching? Are you learning towards a particular style? (Montessori, Classical, Waldorf, etc).

Some parents find that keeping boys engaged is a little trickier than girls because they seems to be more active in general. Sounds like you did a great job keeping your son interested in learning, did you use any specific methods or techniques that worked especially well for him or was he just naturally drawn to it without any creative approaches needed? Also, have you tried downloading any of the files for him from the community downloads, like foreign language and so forth? Maybe he would enjoy that for some new material.

So glad you found us-- you definitely came to the right place, it is a wealth of knowledge!