Hi! I'm Hildy from Germany

Hi everyone! I’m Hildy, 28, and have 2 kids Nathalie (4) and Carl (2). I’ve been using the Doman Program since Carl was 10 months old. We have lots of fun together doing so. I’m open about all kinds of stuff regarding raising and teaching kids. I love my job as a mom. It’s the best job in the world!!! I enjoy meeting parents who think the same way.

Hope to hear from you.

Best regards from Essen, Germany.


Hello and welcome to this fantastic forum!

I look forward to getting to know you better and reading your posts. Please feel free to browse around. Also please feel free to join your country of origin board, This will help you get connected with other like minded parents from your country but also give you a place where you can talk freely about issues related to early education, and activites in which you may be able to get your child/ren involved in


Thanks Kimba15.
And thank you for your tip. I’m new here so I still gotta figure out a lot of things such as where to find the others who live in ‘my country’. I guess I’ll just browse through.

:slight_smile: Hildy

Nice to have you here, we could use some more German. :laugh: Place is very friendly if you need any help.

Hi and welcome to our forum.Pls feel free to share your ideas and views!!!

What a nice picture! Here’s your first karma point! :slight_smile:

Hi and welcome to the forums. It’s great to have you here! Feel free to browse the forums and add to any discussions that interest you. Please let us know if you have any questions or need any help getting around. We hope to hear more from you soon!

p.s. you have a lovely family

hi and welcome to the forum. we are very gland to have you here. love to here more from you soon

Hi Hildy!

Welcome! How exciting to hear that you have been using the Doman method for a while. We’d love to hear about your experiences. :slight_smile:

I agree, being a mom is great! :biggrin:

welcome. we love german sausages.

Hi everyone!
Thanks for your warm welcome. =)
I’d love to share my experiences. Will do so soon. =)


Hi Hildy,

I’m also new here and am living in Germany (Hessen) :slight_smile: My son is 10 months old and we have also started a Doman reading program. Have you found a good (cheap) source for cardboard to create the flashcards? So far, I have only found thin A4 cardstock at Staples (where 2 sheets need to be glued together to make it sturdier), or large sheets of thicker paper at Karstadt which is quite pricey. Any suggestions?


Hi Nutmeg,

how nice to have found someone in Germany doing the program. I started the reading program with my son at 10 months and he now reads at a grade one level. He doesn’t talk in sentences yet but I know that he CAN read every word in a sentence. =)

Yes, I do know where to get the paper from… it’s as thick as the ones you get from the institutes. I have it made, cut exactly like the ones in the US. I’d have to look for the contact nos. though. It’s been a while since I last ordered because they sell it in sets of 500 or 1000 pcs. They only sell to companies, so you might have to buy through my account. Let’s keep in touch. I’m very busy at the moment … but you can email me regarding this matter to remind me to look for the contact infos… please email me at hildyjeissing@yahoo.com

Hope to hear from you more. =)
