Hi! I'm a deaf norwegian :)

My name is Tove. I’m from Norway, married and have three daughters. My husband and I are deaf and our children are hearing. In our home we use norwegian sign-language, norwegian without signs and norwegian with signs–puh… :wink:

I’m very interested in how CODA (Children of deaf adults) or any child that learns signing as babies, learns reading and writing. My experience tells me that those children often are earlier readers/writers then other children.

At least: I hope you’ll understand my english :wink:

Hi and welcome to the forums! It’s great to have you here! Feel free to browse the forums and add to any discussions that interest you. Please let us know if you have any questions or need any help getting around. We hope to hear more from you soon!

Your English is great! Welcome!

Hope you find this site of use, and in case you are interested, please check out our Signing Time discount coupons:


Hi ,
Welcome to our forum.It’s great to have you hear.Feel free to ask any questions.And please do share your views and ideas about teaching childrens.

Thank’s a lot :slight_smile:

Thank’s :slight_smile: I feel it’s a bit difficult to be active on this forum because of my english. There are lot’s of things I would like to write, but I can’t find the right words :wink: But I’ve not given up yet :wink:

Sorry, I forgot to thank you for the link. I’ll take a look at it as soon as possible (my youngest daughter want’s food NOW!! ;-))

Thank’s :slight_smile: I’ll try :slight_smile:

Thank's :-) I feel it's a bit difficult to be active on this forum because of my english. There are lot's of things I would like to write, but I can't find the right words ;-) _But_ I've not given up yet ;-)

Your English is just fine, and we have many people on the forums who are from different countries who use English as a second language. Just because you may not have perfect English does not mean we can’t understand you. We would love to hear what you have to say and more of your experiences. It sounds like you have a lot of things to share with us. I’m sure we would all love to hear more of how you communicate with your children and how you are teaching them.


your english is pretty good!
i have a niece who is deaf as well.
she had a cochlear transplant though. looking forward to any tips you have to offer on how to communicate with her.

welcome to the forum.
feel free to ask question about your queries. did your chidren knows sign languge well to talk.
i wanna hear from you

Wellcome to the forum .My English is not very good too.I can sure you ,you will find support .In a way or other when i asked for help they gave me.Great to hear from you how you comunicate with your kids .You be helping parents too .love m anne

Welcome, I am sure you will find some support here.

Welcome Tove!

We are glad you are here! I have heard the same thing about children who learn to sign. They are already learning two languages and I think it exercises their brains and makes them more ready to learn other langauge related things (like reading).

I am impressed by your willingness to communicate with us, even when you feel uncomforable with your English abilities (which, I must say, seem very good to me). Thanks for putting in the effort. :smiley:

I would love to hear more about your family, and how life is being deaf with hearing children. I understand if it is too much work, and you do not have the time. :wink: I hope you enjoy this forum and find it encouraging and useful. :slight_smile:

Wow Tove I think your English is fantastic! Wish I could communicate as well in another language!

I have a Xhosa foster child and she only speaks English as I can’ t speak her traditional language. I have a Xhosa lady working with me and I encourage her to teach the language to Sive.

Please continue to contribute to these discussions - welcome :smiley:

Hello and welcome to this fantastic forum!

I look forward to getting to know you better and reading your posts. Please feel free to browse around. Also please feel free to join your country of origin board, This will help you get connected with other like minded parents from your country but also give you a place where you can talk freely about issues related to early education, and activites in which you may be able to get your child/ren involved in


ps Your english is fantastic and I can tell you it’s a very hard language to learn even for those who are born into an english speaking country.
pss I hope to speak in a second language one day as well as you speak english.

Welcome - so good to have you here! Looking forward to learning more about you… :smiley: