Hi, i am a mom of twins who needs guidance

hi everyone.
i have twin baby girls who are now 1yr 3months old. i had a very tough time with them. as they were born pre-mature (in the 7th month). i had diabeties during pregnancy and didnt had enough info on how to take care of it. anyways
i do like to teach them the stuff i am seeing here but i find it hard to manage. i see many mothers of twins trying this product. can u guys help me out in how to make both of them get intrested in this program. I tried flash cards but they seem to like chewing the cards :dry: instead of learning from it. i bought some baby books but they wanted to read it themselves and tore the pages :ohmy: . Can any one help me in this? :confused:

Hi Rubab,
I also have twins, they are 2.5 now. I actually found these learning tools helped me manage it all during that second year. I used some free PowerPoint slide shows I downloaded from this website along with learning videos I checked out from the library. It helped that we have a computer connected to a big screen TV in the living room where the kids play. Whenever I needed a distraction I would put something on the screen. On difficult days this helped me get dinner made, get the kids dressed so we could get out the door, or catch a breather for myself. I never made it something else I had to get done in a day, and I tried to only use it when really needed.

And really it doesn’t take much to work. My DD was very verbal early on and read her first new word (never pronounced for her) phonetically after 7 weeks, no kidding. She was 17 months at the time. That was when I realized that I didn’t need to make it into a regimen and started taking it easy. Sometimes I don’t do lessons for weeks at a time, especially when the weather is nice. I also decided against doing the Doman math learning because of the time commitment. Plus there are lots of other ways to boost math aptitude such as playing music. Which reminds me, I am also planning on (and have purchased) using the Piano Wizard program to teach piano and music literacy.

My DS loved to destroy books, and that’s all he thought they were for up until 22 months old. Some substitutions were: board books from the dollar store, used books from goodwill or off craigslist, the PowerPoint presentations I mentioned above and cloth books. They will probably outgrow the chewing on everything stage when they are done teething.

Oh, one other caveat. My DD is very visual and therefore has a tendency to become obsessive about watching videos. Because of this I look for things that are more like real life rather than designed to hold their attention. Your Baby Can Read videos are much like a home movie and DD will walk away from them after 10 or 15 minutes, but Signing Time is very showy and she could watch them all day. Which means tantrums if she doesn’t get her way. It also means she would refuse to watch something else that was more natural paced. So I stopped ST and found some other signing videos at my library (Your Baby Can Talk). Now I use ST but skip the songs and only show the reviews. So if you decide to use videos, I would suggest starting with less processed videos.

thanks twinergy for such a helpful reply. sorry for the delay in thanking u. i had a fever which also shifted to the twins soo we all had a busy month.
i like the idea of connecting the system to the TV screen. i shall try that. ur reply have many tips thanks a lot. bundle of thanks

Hi Rubab & Twinergy,

I think I missed this thread. Thanks Rubab for starting it.
Me too have twins (1yr 3 mths). I tried flash cards with them
and they watch it but after the session they want it to play
and some time twist, chew or tear it. They teared all the
homemade books.

Thanks Twinergy for your tips ! I’ll try videos. I have not
tried it yet. Once tried putting nursery rhymes video so that
I can prepare dinner but they run away behind me. So I have
to sit with them and watch the whole video. And had to
prepare dinner when they slept.

I just bought LR-LM lets see how it goes.
please share your tips.

– Kreena.