hi I am a homeschooler with daughter with DS

Hi there I just found this sight on a blog and just downloaded the trial:) my daughter is six and has ds I am super excited to try this program with her.
the forum board is very interesting . Looks like there is so much we can learn from others. looking forward to this and cant wait until my little one wakes up now lol.

Welcome Shalene!

Hi Shalene,

We homeschool too and I just joined today also–probably from the same blog. Am going to download the trial soon also. Where are you located? We are Southern CA. I would love to meet someone close also homeschooling. Our little guy with down syndrome will be 6 in Dec.


Hi Carol
thanks for replying. I would love to get together but I am in Alberta Canada :frowning: I know I sometimes feel like I am the only out there with our situation. I dont really like going to the ds group in our area because they dont believe in homeschooling. homeschooling is fairly common here but not with special needs kids. so yeah. lol I did a lesson with my girly this morning and she LOVED it and my husband is doing one with her right before she gets ready for bed so he can see what its like.
we have friends in Riverside CA they Pastor a church there.
well thanks again for the hello


Yes that is how it is here–in the DS groups there is no one that homeschools and all the talk is about inclusion and such at the meetings. We are actually on the border of Riverside–small world! Which church do they pastor? Yes you are a tad far for setting up a playdate.

Thank you for the positive report on the program. I have a crazy week but am going to try the trial next week. Hopefully we can chat more.


yep its all about inclusion here too.
the name of the Church is Faith Baptist Church.
hope you have a great week. I know all about busy lol