Hi guys! I'm Irma from Malaysia


Hi to all the community! I’m Irma who are first time mom with one cute and brilliant baby name’s Amirul Iman.He now was reach 9 month.Now I know what mom’s feeling.

Hi Irma! Welcome to the forums!

We’re glad to have another mom in the community, and we look forward to hearing about your experience teaching baby Amirul Iman! :biggrin:

If you have any questions - about baby education, the software, or anything under the sun - just ask any one of us, and we’ll try our best to help out!

Hope to see you posting around!



Greetings Irma,

I have a boy too. He’s now 3…CAN you belive how FAST the time goes by once baby is here. The pregnancy feels like a very long time and now, looking back, the birth seems like just yesterday…




Hi Deneen,

Yup,time goes very fast.Sometime I didn’t realize that I have a baby.So, what is your baby name and what he or she can do right now?


Hi Irma,

My boy turned three in April and he can do everything except hold still… :wacko:

I’ve been doing flashcards off and on since he was ??? hmmm… can’t really remember when…feels like years but probably only about one year.

He is so active that I’ve started incorporating activity with learning. For example, when we play ball, I’ll show a flashcard right before it’s my turn to throw the ball back to him.

I have realized that his little brain is like an undeveloped roll of film and even the slightest little ray of light (bit of data) stays in there.

amazing little critters, aren’t they? :slight_smile:

Hi Deneen,

I believe your boy are very smart.Actually,I already show the flashcard to my boy from he’s 3mths.I believe baby brain’s like a sponge easy to absorbed data espcially image.I was showed to him an image such fruits, animal, colors and more with audio which my own voice.But I just showed to him 3 or four cards because I want him to absorbed it easier.They also like to listen a smooth music from their own mom.

Now he’s 9mth so I’m a bit proud because he seem know the image I was showed to him before.He also knowing how to copy our facial expression like sign of kissing, showing he teeth, blinking the eyes.

But my boy will cry if 'm not holding him or I was far from him.He will be ok if he do not see me.I was think he very pamper :wub:

Well, it sounds like you have done a good job! My son is the same way though. He wants me to hold him all day. He loves his mommy! lol

Hi Irma

Welcome to the forum! Our babies are the same age :slight_smile: - my daughter Naimah turned 9 months last Sunday.

I’m writing about parenting issues as well as what it’s like to teach Nim on my blog, so have a look (www.brillbaby.com/blog) - and feel free to comment!

Looking forward to comparing notes on our little ones!


Hi Nhockaday!

Nice to know you.Haha…they are really love their mommy!