Hi from Nebraska

Hi. I am glad to have found this sight from a link on a blog post. I have three boy 13, 9 and 4. The youngest has Down syndrome and can read about 300 sight words that he picked up from his signing videos. We are looking to expand on his sit words and start on sentences. I have just started to look around, but it looks like there are great resources here. Looking forward to learning more about it.

Hi Angie! Welcome to the group. Congrats on your son reading 300 words, that is a huge accomplishement! Keep feeding him words and introduce some gentle pattern phonics and he’ll be decoding in no time. :slight_smile:

Have you downloaded the 2 week trial yet for Little Reader? There are some great ebooks available too from the BrillBaby link above. And make sure to check out http://forum.brillkids.com/parents-with-special-needs-children/ Keep us updated on how he’s doing!