Hi from Down Under!

Hi everyone, Im so excited to have found this website! I am looking at starting a program for my little boy who is 6 mths old and was looking into YBCR when I stumbled across this website. It looks great! Look forward to connecting with others who are interested in giving their baby a head start in life. Amelia

Hi Amelia,

Welcome on to this wonderful forum. I am just wondering where in Australia are u from? I have a 7 month old and we live in NSW.


Hi there!, Im in little old Adelaide. Have you started a program yet? Whats your little ones name, my boy is Joshua.

Hey Amelia…ohhh wish u were here in NSW …hahahha…I don’t know anyone here who is into early learning community. Yeah I started my baby on early learning about 2 months back…our prog in a day is as follows:

  • YBCR (2 twice or sometimes just once)
  • Word flash (different categories)
  • EK flash (Different categories)
  • LR & LM
  • Tweedlewink (1 time)
  • We play classical music in the background throughout the day
    -Once a week swimming
    -Planning to start gymbaroo once a week too

What abt u …what’s ur schedule like?Are u working or SAHM?

Welcome to the forum!

Wow, you do alot! I’ve just started looking into what to start with. I saw YBCR and thought I would see what else was out there and now I am so overwhelmed. I am trialling the LR program and plan to purchase that, would you have any other suggestions as to what to start with? Should I just focus on reading? I also like the look of Monkisee as my son loves music. Have you heard much about that?
I’m a SAHM, planned to go back to work around now but love being a mum so much Ive decided to stay at home. Im also a life coach and personal trainer so can do some work from home in the future when I decide I would like to. How about you?

Not as much as I want to…like u said there are too many products out there…its hard to decide what to buy and what not to. I did not want to expose my baby to too much screen time (whether it be computer or TV) and so we decided to get LR, LM, YBCR and tweedlewink…again I don’t show the tweedlewink and YBCR dvd twice like they suggest. It will all add up to more than 1 1/2 hrs of screen time. I have seen results even though I did not show YBCR or tweedlewink twice a day. I spend more time on flashcards …ONE THING I REALLY WANT TO CONCENTRATE ON IS READING TO HER…I AM NOT DOING MUCH READING TO HER…AND ALSO TALKING TO HER…

Well if your baby enjoys music why not get him trebellina…I have heard a lot of good comments here on that product. However, I have decided to stick with just classical cd’s for the time being. I bought Baby einstein dvd’s too…but decided to wait until she is a bit older to show those. YBCR works just great for us…she just loves it.

LR is also working well for us. She loves to see the kids in the lessons. She is also picking on certain words. I mean she is understanding the meaning of certain words now.
What have u started ur baby on so far?

Hi Amelia75,

Don’t Mistake me for interfering in your conversation. Since you asked about Monki see Monki Do. I have both MSMD and YBCR. I would definitely recommend Monki See, Its much better than YBCR. In the Shapes and color CD they even show the spellings. In memoflix 1 CD they have lot of categories each has 5 to 7 words in it.In that CD alone you get 300+ words. Its definitely worth the money.
Again sorry to interfere in the conversation.

Thanks for the info Swathi_akshaya…well I have no idea about how good Monkisee is…I only have YBCR and like I said she just loves the dvd…she will watch it with utmost concentration and by 6 months she could pick up all the word cards right (from YBCR). So it worked perfectly for us. I just spoke from my experience. I will definitely have a look at monkisee :slight_smile:

Thanks so much for the feedback, its good to know as I ordered Monkisee adn YBCR yesterday! I saw a clip of Monkisee on youtube and my little boy loved it, I cant get the song out of my head! It looks to me like people use different programs so I thought I would start with those 2 and LR. Hope that will be ok, we started LR yesterday but he is an active boy so it was hard to keep him still for the whole thing! Cant wait to get started on Monkisee! Thanks again for all the advice, its all much appreaciated! Amelia

By the way what is trebillina?


have a look in this forum they have all the details there.


Thanks so much!


This is their website :slight_smile:

Hey there, My names Ryan, I have a 6 month old little girl named Hailey Jae. We live in New Zealand so just a stones throw away huh!

I’m also really exited about all the learning possibilities Hailz will have coming up. I think its definitly going to to be an adventure and I’m proud to be a part of it. Looking forward to meeting other young parents and swapping some ideas.

Welcome Ryan! Lots of great info on these forums, very exciting isn’t it?!

Hi and Welcome!! :slight_smile:

Yea this is a great site I’m finding a lot of very interesting stuff of here. Great for a new dad like me!