Hi from Chicago

Hi everyone

My name is Bala. I’m blessed with 1 beautiful girl on June 24th 2012. I started teaching her when she was 17months old. I purchased brill kids at that time. Till now she is enjoying a lot. THANKS to brill kids.

I’m here to interact with like minded people. I don’t have any friends who strongly believe early learning.

I want to discuss about COGAT test for GIFTED SCHOOL. Any suggestion and advice are greatly appreciated.


Hey I’m from Chicago too. I can’t answer the gifted test question because I ended up homeschooling my girls but, it’s nice to have somebody on here from my neck of the woods.

Hi, I’m also from the Chicago area and have been doing BK programs (all 3 + Spanish) with my children since January among other early learning activities. I don’t know much about the gifted program but thought I’d reach out to my neighbors just the same :slight_smile:

Good luck with your homeschooling… :slight_smile:

Hi mrsreddy,will keep you updated regarding cogat… :slight_smile:


Hi Bala, are you familiar with Testing Mom? She runs seminars in Chicago from time to time and has a book out, Testing for Kindergarten, as well as a membership based website with sample test questions. Also, so you have an iPad?

Thank you for introducing me testing mom.com. I registered myself now. Reading it :biggrin: