Hi from California


I’m a first time mom with a two month old. I stumbled onto this site when I was trying to find some black and white patterns for my newborn to look at. I’ve downloaded the flash cards on this site of the patterns and faces. And although I tried to have him focus on the cards… I’m still not sure if he’s paying attention to it. Is he too young?

I live in the southern california area and hope there are other members near me.

Hi 8lulu8,

Welcome to BrillKids! :slight_smile: So sorry we did not get to your post sooner.
I wish I was in California… I am located in Virginia.

You only have to flash the card for about 10-15 seconds to your son. It may not seem like he is paying attention but I am sure he is taking it in. Try flashing when he is alert and in a good mood.
You are doing a great job and your son is lucky to have a Mommy like you.

We look forward to hearing more about your journey through early learning. :slight_smile: