Hi from an excited mum

Hello fellow parents!!!

I’m Jade and I’m right at the beginning of this journey with our soon to one year old. This site appeals to the teacher in me. I have a nine year son who enjoyed and devote many hours to teaching him whatever I could using all different reasources. Finding a stuctured programme for my daughter is amazing.

I had already slowly staryed on phase one phonics but as we started our free trial yesterday (LR) I’m confident this will replace lessons.

I would love to connect with anyone also on their journey looks like I have a lot to learn and do. I’m going to start very slowly a build a schedule that works for my family. Eventually I would love to learn everything LR,LM,LM languages Ect but I don’t want to overwhelme myself or her and I don’t want to run out of steam before I have started.

Thank you for reading my post… I just know my family and friends are going to think I’m crazy when I say I have started the learning process but it makes perfect sense to me…

All the best


Hello and welcome!

Thank your u :smiley: