Hi from a Right Brain Teacher

Hi everyone,
Great to see such a massive community of people who all believe in the Right Brain Educational Approach ! I have joined this forum as I am looking for advice on high quality right brain courses (post-grad University courses would also be fine) for teachers. Finding teacher training on the Right Brain method is not as easy as I thought it would be. I have had lots of training from the preschool where I am currently teaching but doing some more substantial training and gaining a recognised certificate / diploma for it, is what I am looking for. Any advice/ guidance / names of ppl I can contact or ideas would be greatly appreciated. I will need to do the course online or distance training as I work during the day and am the mom of two active boys… No rest for the wicked ! :wub:

Thank you in advance for your help !!


welcome to the forum. If your looking for a RBT course you can get in contact with www.tweddlewink.com who offer courses or try and contact the schishida school in Japan


Hi Kimba,

Thanks for your quick response ! I have unfortunately had no luck with the link you have posted, but I will search under the name and see what I can find. Thanks also for the contact in Japan, I will look into it. I remember seeing a tweedlewink (sp?) site and wondering whether it would be accepted as a serious international qualification. Working mostly at International Schools worldwide I am looking for a qualification that will be recognised.

Thanks again !! Great to hear from you. :slight_smile:


Thanks to Kimba, I have contacted the Shichida Foundation and will come and report back on whether they also perhaps have courses.

I have also found the other one you were talking about :


Thanks again !