Hi Everyone

I’m new to the forum. I accidentally come across this web site while i’m trying to look for educational materials to share with my little boy who is 27th months old. My husband is away and i’m left alone trying to figure out how to teach my little son. I found the forum extremely useful as i am able to get information from other members on matters in regards to teaching and to handling little fellow. thank goodness i found this website.

Welcome to the forum!

Welcome fire!
You hit the gold mine lol. I have learned so much from all the moms and dads on this site. Feel free to ask any questions.

Hi , I am a new member of forum. Would a newcomer be warmly welcome here? Good day you guys!!!

hi and wlcome to yhe forum
Yes of couse Kelly :biggrin:

Hi Kelly, welcome to the forum! I hope you have many happy hours learning from all the posts here, and sharing with us some of your experiences.

There is SUCH rich content on this site, and I think if you spend some time reading some of the past threads, you would really enjoy it.

Welcome aboard kelly. U will find so many good people with many great ideas here… Good luck