Hi Everyone! Introducing myself.

Hi Everyone. I have been on this forum for some time, and it has been a blessing :slight_smile: but didn’t formally introduce myself. I am a stay at home mom, and live with my husband and two kids (2 year old twins, boy and girl) in NC, USA. My sister introduced me EL, and after the birth of my kids I started it with Doman Flash Cards, YBCR and Baby Einstein, on a trial and error basis. Currently my kids are sightreading words from the videos, and love to run their fingers under the subtitles on TV, no parking instructions on the street, and any words they come in contact with, not to mention their books. Brillkids has been a lighthouse in guiding me. Thank you to all the wonderful people here, and looking forward to more advice and help.

Welcome :smiley: !

Welcome to the forum!

Welcome :slight_smile:

Welcome :happy:

Welcome I am new to the forum too. I really brillkids lot of information.

Welcome to you too. Totally agree with you. Love it here.


Hello there from Kansas. LR really is a great tool. :slight_smile:

hi everyone…my name is thomson…!!!
