Hi everyone! I'm Gabriel & Sophia's Mom... and very excited for this new journey

[size=10pt]Hi everyone! [/size]

I’m [shadow=red,left]Gabriel & Sophia’s Mom[/shadow]. My prince, Gabriel, is 5 1/2 yrs old and my princess, Sophia, is 5 1/2 months old. I’m very excited to start this new journey. I can’t wait to see what happens with Sophia and Gabriel few months down the road. To tell you all the truth… I saw several videos of infants reading, it makes me think that there’s nothing imposible, you just have to provide them with the right tools. …and it’s nice seeing there’s parents that care too. I’m happy I’m part of this community!

Another thing… I noticed there was spanish words… That’s awesome!!! I’m from PERU and my husband is from Puerto Rico. Living in the US, makes us very conscious that we want our children to be bilingual.

Thank you for your time.

Aww how cute! That’s a great idea to upload a pic.

Hi Goris! :biggrin: You have beautiful children!

I’m very happy to have you in the forums, and I think you’ll enjoy your time here since everyone is so friendly! We have a great community of like-minded parents, we believe in helping children to grow up loving to learn by giving them the right tools early in life. It’s true, nothing is impossible, and even parents - with the right guidance and information - can learn that children can learn virtually boundless amounts of information which can help them as they grow older.

And yes, I’m also pleased to know that there are many parents such as you who believe in bilingual teaching - I personally grew up in a household that uses three languages, and I don’t think there was any confusion on my part learning them, it just made life a bit more colorful and interesting. :tongue2:

I hope that you enjoy the Spanish word library, and hopefully soon we’ll expand the foreign language sets even more! :yes:

