Hi, am the mother of a premature baby...

Hi, i really need some advice on how to teach my baby who was born premature at 7 1/2 months. he’s now 11 months but acts as a 9 months baby.

can u please help me on how can i reduce this gap.

thanks for helping.

I do not think it is nessasery to set a goal of reducing the gap. Your baby is developing fine, and he/she is where he/she is supposed to be because developmentally, your baby’s age is calculated based on the due date not on the actual birth date. It is important not to feel like your baby is behind, because he/she is not. That’s what all books say. There are some things you can do to help your baby with meeting the developmental milestones. All babies are in the sensorimotor stage till they are about 3, I think. That means that everything you do needs to involve senses and movement. I had a great experience with kindermusic class. You search on the internet. I think there should be a kindermusic class in your area. What they do is amazing. They let children touch, play, listen, and move to the music. It targets all areas of brains that involves speech, language acquisition, cognitive, gross and fine motor skills, plus it helps develop the hearing for music and love for it. What is very interesting that development of fine motor skills really help cognitive and language. There are different ways to work with your child, you may find some tips in Montessorri method. When my boy was about 12 months old, we tried to scoop beans and put them from one bowl to another. We put pens in jars and similar activities. In a month or so, he had a big leap developmentally in speech.
Hope this helps.

Thank Julia, Karma to you! I LOVE the scooping and beans ideas!