Hi All starting my 3 year old

Hi there.

I am looking to start little reader with my three year old daughter, her birthday is July 2010.

I purchased english (US) semester 1 and 2.

Should I just start at day 1 or skip ahead?

Welcome to the board, I would start at the beginning unless she already knows what you’re going over.

Welcome to the forum Brad44!

Before anybody can give you much in the way of specific advice, can you provide a bit of background? If this is your initial starting point into teaching your child to read, for example, then you will definitely want to start at the beginning. I hesitate to say your first foray into early learning (EL) as many parents in this forum worked with their tiny tots long before they stumbled upon BrillKids, Doman, or official EL and just called it good, involved parenting :slight_smile:

If you perhaps did a DVD program such as Your Baby Can Read or Monkisee, then you may well be able to either skip the first few lessons or go through them fairly quickly so as to keep your child interested. I think that the first 20 lessons in LR are pretty much review of YBCR…the beauty of LR being the incredible volume after that, as well as the ability to customize.

And again, a bit of background regarding your LO’s previous exposure to a baby math program will tell us more. If you did Doman dots, then this will make a lot of difference.
And for what it is worth, LM for a 3 year old seems to be hit or miss. What research there is here is a bit more controversial as the ability to subitize as babies is still questioned. However, I am absolutely certain that doing LM with my baby gave her a great basis for quantity and number sense that we built upon! I recently read a paper that hypothesized the ability to estimate quantity in the preschool years strongly correlates to long-term mathematical ability…of course, one can argue that there are stronger factors involved, but I do think this was a great stepping stone.
I also highly recommend picking up a copy of Marshmallow Math for fantastic ideas on building math skills with your 3 year old, with a caveat: I found the book to be much more useful and efficient if it is read in its entirety and the ideas/activities implemented concurrently…this made a huge difference in my math-loving child’s understanding!

As far as music- definitely start LMus at the very beginning! It is so much fun and there is so much information included.

Hopefully a bit of feedback on your LO’s previous exposure will give us all a bit more to go on as far as guidance for you! And don’t forget to let us know how it is going :biggrin: