Hey Hello!

Hello everybody,
We’re new around here! I’m Gabi, mum to 16mo Gael. We live in Spain and unlike most spanish babies, Gael doesn’t go to nursery. We’ve been homeschooling him this whole time, although he’s not really in school age yet, we try to keep him well entertained (which is not always easy) while keeping an eye on what he’s learning and his interests so we can provide him with a bit more of what he enjoys. He loves flip books, animals, his sensory box (rice), going to the park, running around, chasing the dog, helping out at home (dusting, helps out with the laundry). As many first time parents we got lots of questions, we run out of fun ideas and i guess sometimes we push LO and he loses interest. I know it’s one of the things we should really be aware of, but we sometimes get carried away. So we’re here to learn a lot about all of you and share a little if we can!

hi, welcome to the forum
have a look throu some posts - there are so many ideeas of how to teach your young baby diffrent things

thank youu :slight_smile: