He's Walking!

I’m so excited! Jacob just took his first wobbly steps today. He was so excited too. :biggrin: He took the longest out of all my kids to start walking. He just turned 13 months three days ago.

Just thought I would share :smiley:

That is wonderful! It is so nice to share such excitment.
I started a thread for this purpose. Feel free to share all of your excitement.


thats nice to hear from you, what may be the reason he is late on walking

Its so nice to know that a baby has started walking.The first steps the baby take are very exciting.thank you for sharing such excitement with us all.Hope everything goes well for u.

HooRay!!! His life (and yours) will never be the same again! Congratulations Jacob, we are all very, very proud of you!

Yay! That is so exciting!

its really interesting so karma 4 u

Years teach us more than books :wink:

Thanks for all of the encouraging words. It’s so funny because he was walking all over the place that day and now he refuses. Stinker! When ever we try he just plops on his butt and crawls.