Helping each other in teaching children multiple languages

TmS has, by telling about their experience in’t-know/, lit a light in my head:

Why don’t we, the parents of different nationalities on this forum, help each other with materials for our kids to learn foreign languages?
Maybe, if necessary, there could be a special section on the forum.
Just to give an example,
French or Canadian parents could help with useful resources in French,
Italian ones with Italian, and so on and so forth.

As a non-English, the sources that the English parents told about on this forum helped me find useful stuff that my son likes and has been learning a lot from them.
As a Romanian, I can share with others links, lists of books etc for those who want to learn Romanian (I doubt anyone on the forum would want to learn it… but just to let you know I can do that).
I bet each of us has at least a list of good stuff to teach children in the native language.
Why not share those things with others on the forum, in a single space, to be found easily?
I’ve seen that in time everyone shared something. I’ve even found something useful for Greek language. But it takes time to search all the forum. If I’m mistaken, please let me know.


This is an excellent idea. I will compile a list of French ressources. Not easy though as there isn’t much material available (in terms of early reading DVDS or cd-rom) Will try my best.

Anything is useful:

  • list of online videos or clips with children songs that you or your kids found enjoyable
  • native stories - animated, or read, or any kind
  • list of children books that generations of children or you or your kids native of that language loved and liked to read
  • websites that you found useful with early learning materials in that language
  • etc.

Maybe, if possible, all of us can tell a little about what are children’s favourites in your country/language regarding: songs, writers, books, stories, fables etc.
I enjoyed very much reading what some of you shared about what and why your children or you or even your parents loved certain books etc. (Search the threads about lists of children books on the forum, and you’ll know what I mean…,) The reason behind all that may help someone decide if it is worth having it for his or her child. They sure helped me and I thank those of you who did!

:slight_smile: Andrea

It would be nice if some members could make such a list for Japanese and Dutch ressources.

Love it - I finally listed my resources today in the other post. Sorry to take so long.

I am interested in resources for any language (including Romanian) :smiley:

French ressources

On Youtube:

Nursery rhymes (user: comptines)
Noddy (Oui Oui) (user: airvee)
Bali (a cute cartoon character, good from 2yo of age, user joueavecbali
The original mickey mouse series (user: OFFICIALKnightKenMOV)


Little Pim French, 6 dvds, to learn words and sentences in context
Baby Bit 1-4, flashing words, couplets and sentences
For young babies: Baby Bumble Bee Vocabulary Builder

If you have a multizone dvd player, you can purchase Zone 2 (Europe) cartoons as most of them will include French in audio.

Little Pim blop: well known and original songs, I sing along myself!

Websites: with a free trial. See Nikita’s blog for a review on how to use it:


Lapin Malin, Maternelle Petite Section/Moyenne Section/Grande section
Many activities from colouring to letters, counting…
Glenn Doman EK Cd rom (French and other languages)
Rosetta Stone (more for adults though)

Thank you, Hypatia and TmS for sharing.

Ok, it seems I can’t get away with it, so… I’ll post the list soon. Romanian is a language usually spoken as it is written, and vice-versa. If you’re able to understand Romanian, you’ll see that our children stories and fables are fascinating, enjoyable and full of wisdom. The beauty in our soul and traditions has something in common with many peoples, yet so unique. With the help of this forum I revised my ideas about my culture and language and remembered that we also have many beautiful and valuable things to share with our children. (Ok, I’m not patriotic. Just that I got so much into the idea of teaching our son foreign languages that I put aside many good things that can be done with our native language…)


Here is example of Romanian music for children. It is a 60 minutes collection of different children songs; the list of the songs is down in the page in a comment; contains a Christmas carol, a lullaby and much more:

Also, as an example, is a site called “The Garden of Stories” (“Gradina povestilor” in Romanian). It has links to songs, poems, Romanian children stories, traditions and much more: The English translation of this site made by Google:
Here is a story (audio, and the text, in parts): (“The Bag With Two Pennies”, by Ion Creanga, a famous Romanian writer of children stories).

A short clip from the movie “Veronica” (1973, a masterpiece in films for children, few generations watched and enjoyed it) - it’s the song of Danila the Cat:

You won’t find flash cards in Romanian, but fortunately we can find (card)boards (, educational cardboards). So, for instance, you can tell a story with the child and just show him those images or you can teach him about different types of animals etc. just like we do with LR and all.

Merry Christmas! :slight_smile:

PS: PIMSLEUR method is very good for learning foreign languages (it has 3 levels for any language - including Romanian). And although it’s made especially for adults or bigger children, even a 2.5 yrs old can learn by listening and imitating what he/she hears. (My son does that, so I thought to share, maybe it’s useful.)


I would really appreciate it if someone could tell me what children’s books are good in French. I can get translations of Dr Seuss or something, but I’d love to read stories to my baby that are originally French. At the moment I open an English book and try to translate on the fly, but that’s a lot of work, so I read to her in English and speak in French most of the time. Also, she loves stories in rhyme, and I am not that good a translator!

Hi Wolfwind,
I can recommend some of the books I use with my 2 year old.

-Petit Ours Brun, by Daniele Bour. No more than a sentence on the left and an illustration of the right, small format, regular or cardboard. They sell from 2euro each. You can watch the series on DVD too.ébé-Danièle/dp/2747017001

-Je t’aimerai toujours, quoi qu’il arrive, Devine combien je t’aime,

-Magazine for children can be fun, like Popi for under 3, then Pomme d’Api or Winnie.

-Classic tales, like Boucle d’Or, Blanche Neige et les 7 nains, Cendrillon

-Any Usborne book!

You can also find all the famous US/UK books in French: Olivia, Eric Carle’s books, Bereinstain Bears, Franklin…

Depending on where you are, it might be worth looking at the French section of Amazon canada, I think that the postage rates are prohibitive from Amazon France. Ebay, look at international sellers from France who could send quite a few second hand ones.

Also I don’t know if they are some stories available in the LR library in English, I wouldn’t mind translating them and adding my voice. I’ve seen some YBCR books but I don’t think those are stories, just words I believe.

andreasro, I think it is an excelent idea. I too learned a lot reading others comments and get to know more products each time. I will help with spanish material as soon as i have a litlle more time.
It is nice to listen to new languages. You always can find some similarities with other languages.
hypatia, your contribution is excelent. I personaly appreciate all that you give us. Those links to you tube look very entertainig. Thank you very much.

I wish more of us participate in this adventure. We come from many countries here and it would be nice to hear everyone’s ideas and feedbacks on materials for their native language.
It is true that many of you wrote about this thing and discussed many products, dvds, books, etc. but it was in different parts of this forum.
So, I started this thread with the idea of saving each other’s time - all in one place. And perhaps in this way we find out what’s new also.

If needed - in case no one will cover some languages - I’ll try to make a list with resources recommended on this forum by parents (I’ll search and extract the information and the source/the member who shared it).

PS: thank you all for what you do on this forum. You’re a nice group of “virtual friends” who have helped me a lot so far. With you I can talk about things that I couldn’t share with no one here (where I live).


Thanks 2010bebes and andreaso for your kind words.
Hopefully more will join in and share ressources in more languages.

anybody having problems downloading u tube videos ?? my connection is a bit slow , so i used to download the movie with real player sp downloader than save it to my library and play it for my kids .
any suggestion ?? nikita you use u tube a lot , did you have problems lately ??

I’ve just tried my download solution - it works fine. I use Orbit Downloader software to download youtube clips Orbit downloads them whenever possible.
Then I play them with VideoLan Both are free I recall, VLC is. No need to run a scan for your computer as Orbit says on their webpage, though.

Hope this helps.

Hey Viv, just read your message…my connection is fast, but sometimes youtube goes slow. I just stop the clip to give it time to catch up, then play it. That’s what my kids told me they do. If two slow, I close other taps open. If still too slow, I give up!

Thank you hypatia. I will be searching amazon and ebay for those. I am so excited.

giga tribe
i found about it a month ago and i am in heaven for the amount of material it is shared over there . i don’t have time to look around but i joined mainly a group of francophone montessori mums who are sharing practically all they have on their har disk of material , scanned books , videos . i could downloads over 100 french kids movies , lots of books , montessori albums , workbooks ,…
i highly recommend it . i am now downloading 60 episodes of the magic school bus .
it is great .
you should try it

Would love to see resources in Polish. My father is Polish and speaks it but I never learned it. I would love for my children to learn Polish, as well as Spanish, French,. My older daughters are learning Latin but we use it rarely in church.

I see some Polish Powerpoints on here but there is no audio so I’m not sure how the word would sound.