Helping child to talk

Hi All,

My self and my husband started to teach our son, when he was about 3 months.

3 months introduced YBCR
5 months introduced Brill Kids ( LR + LM )
7 months introduced some of our language Cds
8 months introduced starfall

He like to watch YBCR part 01 :biggrin: ,
He is very happy to watch LR multi-sensory part. :laugh: though he don’t like watching LM, I used to keep him until the section is over.
He also like to see starfall. :clown:

We have bought so may book for him, but these days he seems very much in playing mood he used to walk around and do peek-a-boo when ever he see me. :wacko: that’s may be I don’t stay home for long time.

My son only says “Mamma” and “maama”, that’s like from my language “mother” and “grandma”, and some time Daada but its not so clear :frowning: . He is now 10 month and he never said any world from study section that we showed. I really want to help him to seek or say some more words before he is one.

Is there any one who had same kind of issue, and what did you do… Pls share your stories. :slight_smile:

My son didnt talk much until he was 3. Because he’s a boy. (I think). And my youngest girl doesnt talk. She’s 13 months but has a glue ear problem so her hearing isnt great. She doesnt like sitting still to watch educational dvds or LR, and I’m confused as how to get her learning. Talking, reading, counting etc.

My son has always been behind with talking. He is probably a good 6-9 months behind the “norm”. 10 months is still young for a baby to talk. Give it another 6 months or so and see how your son is doing. I’m sure he will be just fine. In the mean time, make sure you have a lot of conversations with him. Tell him what you’re doing, about your day, where you’re going, ect… and read a lot! And don’t use baby-talk!


I as a grandma was counting the days for my grandson to talk. At 2 yrs he went to preschool and some of his peers were talking. He name somethings of his surroundings and family but not a real conversation Serious talking really started around three. Now he talks a lot but his pronunciation is behind his age. He started therapy which i think would have been much better to start at an early age.

The result of the evaluation is that he does not have the strengh enough requiered for some letters.
The point is that there are some exercise that can be practice.moving his lips, tongue and cheek to get his muscles working.

I will look that information and post it. Maybe some of them are not to be done by a 10 month baby but at least you can do them and he can hear and see you…

I would not worry too much but i thinnk it Is better to try them than to wait paitiently for him to start bubbling.

The book NurtureShock by Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman has a chapter devoted to helping babies talk. Here is an article by the same authors, but I think it is also worth looking at the book because they explain how to jump start baby babble much more clearly.

Good article twinergy,

I never thought about exercizing the mouth. Some people think that baby games as moving their lips are silly.
As the article says: No less than eighty muscles control the vocal tract, and it can take a year or more to gain control of. So while babble might sound like gibberish, it’s actually a progression of overlapping stages, as the child learns to master sound production and muscle control.

It would have make a difference to know this 2 years ago. Now i am more consious and prepare for my coming grandchild.
Karma for the article and reference to the book Twinergy.

Thanks Twinergy

I guess I’m no too late to do all this.

This is a grate article, here goes a Karma to you.

My baby boy is 21 months old and he barely says mmmmommmm (for mom) or DA (for dad) or adA (for brother Adam). I speak to him constantly, have shown him flash cards for the last 11 months, play music and DVD’s in many languages, we stick our tongues out at eachother and I mimic every sound he makes, he will answer me back when I do this and we will go back in forth until he gets bored. I also don’t know what else to do to encourage him to speak. Although, I have taught him sign language from birth, my husband thinks thats why he won’t speak now, because he doesnt have to, but the pediatrician said he was a late crawler and walker and sign language is good for late developers to ease the gap. Im anxious to read the article though, but I thought I’d share my story too! Your not alone!

Hi Zaa,
The Goldstein studies, encoruaging more advanced sounds, described in NurtureShock didn’t start until the babies were about 9 months old. So you probably aren’t too late at 10 months, but skip to chapter 10 first since earlier chapters are about older children.

Hi Zaa,

My daughter started talking late- around 12 months plus----mostly one word conversation and she loves to blabble and baby language. we are still working on her pronunciation… I showed her lots of YBCR, EINSTEIN CDS, FLASH CARDS… she absorbs everything that you teach her… she would point at the object and she would speak using baby words- i would correct her immediately and ask her WHAT DO YOU WANT? DO U WANT TO WATCH CD? - i also prepared flash cards-- i repeated the words whenever she pointed-- so that i want her to know that there is a word for the obejct that she is pointing at…

Children also mimic whatever we do-- so i would tell i when i am doing something— let say i am bathing her – I would she her " Baby is bathing ( Repeat this daily) .This is water…Then let her play with the water-- keep repeating water, water…and i think after 15-20 times saying that she said the word “WATER”… Then i would say ''mama is going to wipe you with this towel— again repeat towel ,towel, towel…i did this continously for about 2 weeks-- and i realise she started saying the words but her pronunciation was not that clear…if u ask for a towel she would immediately go and get the towel- she understands most of the things that i have taught her only thing she still cant construct sentences…

u can also prepare a simple home made book— where in one page u paste the action that she is doing and the next page describe" example
Isabelle is eating. then next page on picture of her drinking- Isabelle is drinking…and etc…u would realise baby’s love this…

or u can also do this in your computer cut and paste pictures of ur baby …example for what i did in a simple word document…My name is Isabelle…i posted her foto on the next page…I am two years old. Then mama’s foto. next page : this is my mama. then dad’s foto… this is my papa… then include granny, grandpa, etc…make sure dont put the picture and words together…separate them.

I ALSO read large printed books to her…she was able to say the words in the book after about 2months of repeating-- i dont have much time since i am full time mom-- so i am only able to read at night wth her. if u have more time…read more often,that helps too!

My daughter like to watch this gogo cd- educational cd…which takes about daily conversation: what is your name? how old are u…so i prepares flash cards for the characters in the cd : gogo, peter, jenny, water, cat etc…
i also prepared another set " what is your name . my name is…, how old are you…i am two years old…where do you live … i live at…how are you? i am fine, thank you. if u notice alot of people naturalllya ask these questions to toddler-- so if u can make them master this…imagine someone ask them they same question – they would be able to answer- this in return would increase their confidence.

Then i would take her around the house and say the name-- i even pasted the words on the object — so for example if it is door : i pasted the word door on the door itself, wall , table, chair, .her name on the board-- … This really helped. She is 2 years and 8 months-- she is able to say couplets…open door, close the door, where papa, read book…

i have attached the list of words and image i use for my daughter …u can show this to your chil- keep repeating for a week your child would soon learn to say the words…

dont worry and your child would speak soon.

thank you twinenrgy for your article- karma to you…

dear all,

check this site on speech development…


Thanks for your link and the attachment, I’m going to start with WORD CARDS. Lets see how my son is doing it.
Its so motivating to see parents are really doing it well. here goes a Karma to you. :slight_smile: