Help with teaching French please

Hi All
I’m very keen for my DD who is almost 16 months, to be learn languages as early as possible. We have the little pim french DVDs (and just purchased Spanish too).

I’m keen for her to learn spoken languages in particular. I don’t necessarily want to focus on reading in other languages as I worry this may confuse her. That is why I like little pim - they are really lovely DVDs and use the immersion method. I also do british sign and have done this since she was 3 months.

For my part, I’m working hard on my own languages - brushing up some rusty French and later will move on to Spanish, so that I can interact with her when teaching these different languages. I’m certainly improving (but my slow adult brain is taking it’s time!). I don’t have time or finances at present for me to have formal French tuition so I’m relying on books and CDs from the library.

What I am finding is that the French resources I have are not really designed for talking to children! I would like to talk to her about everyday things, and find that I’m never quite sure what a native French person would say - i imagine there are a lot of colloquialisms just like in English, for example:

Come on! (meaning hurry up)
It’s bathtime - splish splash
Up we go! (up the stairs)
Gently! TThe doggie doesn’t like it when we bash her!

Etc etc! Anyway, my question is whenther anyone knows of any useful websites or books that are aimed at teachers of young children. I can’t help but think that if only i could speak well, then she will have a much better change of learning the language.

Any advice would be much appreciated, thanks!

I have really liked this book - . It’s the only kid’s picture dictionary I’ve found that tells you how to pronouce the word. It’s helped me a lot (although you might be much better at speaking French than I am!). I don’t remember where I bought it, but it’s not sold many places. Also - there’s always LR and Powerpoint that can use with French audio! I also really like Little Pim. I think my next DVD will be Professor Toto. I don’t really know of any other DVDs. Hope this helps!