My son will be 3 years old on March 2nd. I have been trying to potty train since his 2nd birthday. I had some problems with him pitching a fit when I asked him if he had to potty and would never let me put him on the toilet. I tried his own potty. I tried letting him stand up beside daddy and watch him. I tried the toilet seat insert for the big potty. I even tried the big potty with no insert and him facing backwards. I am giving stickers, candy, rewards, toys. I still cannot get him to tell me when he has to go. If I put the potty in front of a TV he is destracted long enough to sit on the potty and pee. He will go to another room and poop though, so I know he knows it is coming, but absolutely refuses to sit on the potty for this. I have let him run around our house in big boy underwear and this doesn’t seem to help. He goes anyways and then just takes them off and continues to go about his business. Out of all this, he has only come to me one time when he had to go potty and it was because I was cleaning his potty while he watched and he held his privates. I asked if he had to go and he said yes, and after a few minutes on the potty he went.
I need help! I see where some people on here have their baby using th epotty by 1 or 2 years old. I know he will get it eventually but I just don’t know why he won’t tell me. Most of the children in his class are using the potty at least some of the time, but he won’t use it at school. Only a couple times in the last few months. Me and my husband are constantly asking him and getting him to sit on it and rewarding him and telling him how he is a big boy and we are proud when he uses the potty.
I just don’t know what else to do , please give me some feedback and any tips would be greatly appreciated!!