HELP! with Montessori object permanence box

Hi everybody,

I am having trouble keeping my 11-month-old baby using the Montessori object permanence box for more than one minute. He will just drop the ball 2 or 3 times then he will put it straight in his mouth. I really try to demonstrate correctly how to put the ball and retrieve it. I make sure he can work in an uncluttered environment too. Also, he likes taking objects out of containers but he will not always put them back.

I lately tried to show him how to put a wooden cylinder in a cup and take it out again, he seems to enjoy doing it but only when I am with him. When he’s by himself he will run to his low shelves to empty them and mouth, tap and throw everything. I wish he could use his toys in a proper way.

Which object permanence box do you have? There are different ones for different ages.

What makes a perfect match for a Montessori work is one that is naturally interesting and provides the right amount of struggle versus interest. It sounds like the one you have is too easy for your little one.

For “proper” use of equipment I don’t worry too much until the kids are older. For now, I’d just model putting toys away when finished. You can ask your baby to help, but I wouldn’t expect too much yet.

Around 12-18 months (for mine it was closer to 15), they started to reach an age where I could ask them to put a toy away when finished. Though, the key to that is being there and following up on it (cheerfully), every single time. Which, in all honesty, happened less with my #2, but I’m trying.

For now, I’d just relax and enjoy! Show your baby how to put things away and have the baby assist when possible. And seek out toys with the right amount of interest/difficulty. If your little one is only interested for a short time, it’s a clue that your baby is ready for new challenges!

And mouthing is natural and useful thing for baby to do! My little ones mouthed their object permanence balls also. :slight_smile:

Thanks Maquenzie for your advice! That’s very helpful especially when you talk about the struggle vs. interest.

Actually, my baby uses this object permanence box :
It is a versatile box that will become eventually a shape sorter. For the moment, I am just using the lid for the ball and I removed the drawer so it is like an object permanence box but without a tray. I don’t know if it is too easy so I should “upgrade” it somehow (add the drawer or change the lid??).

For modeling, I spend my day tidying up his room, lol, although I just put a few toys at a time.