Help with Learning Chinese

I’ve just downloaded LR Chinese and am not sure how to start as I dont understand any of the words. How do I start to teach my baby and talk about the pictures if I dont understand or talk Chinese? How have other people taught Chinese when they cant read the language?


I haven’t start Chinese with my grandaughter but i have been using it for myself (maybe trying to be ahead of her).
My daughter has decided to wait cause she is doing LR in english, Little Pim in French and we are native spanish speakers.
Since i do not have previous knowledge of Chinese maybe your case is similar to mine.

I hope sharing what i am planning to do will help and someone that know more can correct me is something can be done better.
While flashing the words I do my best with the pronunciation and repeat.
When in the multisensory part I explain in english or spanish and go on.
On the third part just listen while the images are shown.

I understood from other threads that even our pronunciation is not as good as it should be, the baby will pick up the correct pronunciation that will be said randomly by a man, woman and girl.

Believe it or not, I am starting to recognize some simbols but have to say that my pronunciation is terrible and my dedication is not as it should be.
Hope you share your experience when you start.

Thank you so much for your advice, that gives me a starting point. To be honest, Im a bit overwhelmed so have not started yet and was thinking of doing the same thing and learning some of the symbols first, my son is 1 next month so I was hoping to start then but am not sure as I am a bit daunted by the task. Will keep you posted on how we go and would love to hear how you are progressing also. Oh I was thinking of Little Pims French down the track, how is your daughter finding using this with your granddaughter?
Thanks again