help with ipad

hello friends

Can somebody tell me please how it is possible to move all my apps from my ipad but still have them in my itune library . Little by little we have accumulated a massive amount of apps and ebooks . I pad can be a wonderful learning tool but the way it is in our house now i cannot control what apps my little one open . of course all of them are good educational apps but i like him to do more focused work on specific subjects like math science , work on specific application for a certain amount of time . he has to work independently while i am teaching the others and he does switch to other applications . i decided to clean up my ipad and just put the ones we want to work on now . there are some applications i got from apple store directly to my ipad , i don’t have them in my itune library , i am scared i might loose them . also is there a way to organize your apps in i tune in folders like math , science language art logic ,…
God o much to learn so little time available .
I hope somebody can help me out
thanks a lot in advance

Oh VIv you make me laugh :slight_smile:
Ok it’s simple really. Plug your iPad into your computer with iTunes, open iTunes and sync the iPad. Then you now have ALL the app on the computer. That’s step one covered!
Now you have to tell iTunes NOT to automatically sync you apps. This bit I can’t walk you through because I could bet you don’t have the latest version of iTunes! Basically you look under the tab for apps in the iTunes menus. Then find the sync option and select manually sync apps ( or sync only selected apps) then you can go through and tick only the apps you want on the iPad and once that’s done just sync the iPad again and it will take all the apps you don’t have ticked OFF the iPad but leave them in iTunes for later.
If you have Icloud it will automatically sync new purchases you make to your iPad ( probably you have no idea what that means but it doesn’t matter that much anyway :slight_smile: )
If you get stuck take a screen shot and Skype me :slight_smile:

Thanks Mandy I will follow that :biggrin:
I would love the explanation about icloud :clown: My icloud space is full and I do not know how to clean it. I will probbably get the manual out now lol

Bella I know exactly what you mean by so much to learn !! My head takes all the pc,ipad,iphone information in very slowly and if I don’t use it for a while I need to search the info again :wacko:

An alternative for those that can’t find the manually sync apps option would be to
Plug iPad into computer, open iTunes and sync iPad. Usually they sync automatically and if you haven’t don’t it for a while it will take half an hour or so. That’s step one to get all the apps you own onto iTunes on your computer.
Then unplug the iPad and just manually delete all the apps you don’t want on the iPad at the moment. Before you do that please do this!
While the iPad is NOT connected to the computer scroll through the apps in iTunes and make sure you have lots! Just check that step 1 was successful by randomly looking for apps you know you own. Then you can delete without worry :biggrin:
This works for iPhones and iPods as well same instructions for all :slight_smile:
The cloud being full I have no experience with sorry. I decided to turn my cloud off as we have 5 devises under the one name ( I only pay for apps once and I can use them on all five devises, 3 iPads, one iPhone and a iPod.) if I purchase a book for me I don’t want it to automatically sync to my children’s iPads. Especially if I decide to purchase 50 shades of grey lol if I activated my cloud it would sync all the books to all the devises and the kids would get some surprises :biggrin: and all the iPads would be full in no time!
I assume you could delete the items in your cloud through iTunes once they are synced to all the devises I imagine this would be a good idea. She only problem would be if you wanted to keep active bookmarks in your books…ie read a book chapter on your iPhone and then continue reading the same books t home on the iPad later. Hmmm I could read up on it. It would be good to know if I can restrict the clouds options…

Hmmm. The last time I plugged my ipad into my computer was to get ios5. Since then it updates via wifi.

I delete apps all the time. I even did before ios5. Once you have bought or downloaded any app they always belong in your account. You can just go to the App Store and reinstall them from there. Just touch purchase at the bottom of the App Store. Every app that has ever been on your device will be there.
Personally I wish I could permanently remove apps from that list. There are so many junk apps that I never want to see again. But it is good to have because I have downloaded apps that James is not ready for yet, but they are easily accessible for when he is.

Yes WIFI is wonderful but not everyone has it. Syncing it just a lot faster then re downloading all the apps one by one…well it would be with my collection of apps that’s for sure!
You are right of course, once you have them you have them. If you loose them you can get them back. It’s just a case of simplifying how you get them back.
I sync occasionally mostly for books and to swap things around from iPad to iPad.i leave lots of apps on my kids iPads with the instructions that they can play them all but if I see them playing just one constantly and ignoring the other educational apps on there then I will delete the obsession :biggrin: I make random suggestions too to encourage them to play apps they have forgotten about. My kids will fall back to a few apps regularly but they also love to explore new ones and revisit old ones too. For younger kids I would probably limit their choices to focus areas.
The ideal solution would be a parent screen where by all the stuff you want to hide from the kids is locked under a password on another screen ( or 6!) but remains on the iPad. But sadly apple haven’t yet invented that. :tongue:

Koralle you are right you can always retrieve them from your apple store account but with our slow internet connection it took ages for me to download them to my i tune , i prefer to keep them there and synchronize back and forth it won’t take time as if you download the application .from apple sore . like manda said i like more focus work , i see my son now scrolling through the applications not spending enough time on any of them .and having one ipad for the three of them is not practical . i am so excited i just got a message from a friend who just bought her specialneed son the new generation ipad and offered to pass the old one ipad 1 to us if we can use it . i guess we can always use ipad 1 ?? no ?? ideally i am saving for the mini ipad for my Isa it is more portable light weight and much easier for her to handle . i got so many applications by following application friday on facebook , they are good applications free or discounted , i often click and download in bulk and don’t even have a chance to check them out , so i do have applications i never viewed and it is really a waste. i thought if i move them off my ipad then i can select few at a time and make sure we use them all we delete them permanently .