HELP... with baby food!!

Hi guys,
I have a 13 months baby , and she became really picky about baby food. I cook for her I don’t buy baby food. I ran out of ideas about baby food.
give some plsss

A 13 month old should not be eating baby food anymore. It is time to feed her what you eat. A baby over 12 months can eat whatever you eat, as long as it is cut small and it is not something she can choke on. Just try to keep it healthy.

My infant is 9 months old and we have started him long ago on baby foods. Some are labeled stage 1, 2 and 3. I with my first son grinded everything up in the Magic Bullet. But here lately I wanted to try our foods with the infant so we plan on buying an infant feeder teething sack also in addition to grinding foods. This sack comes with a handle like a spoon but has a mesh sack to put foods in. This helps the baby learn to chew, and use his teeth and tongue. When we first start our kids out on non-liquid foods I started them on the melt in your mouth puffs. The sack also helps with teething by placing an ice cube in it.

I agree that he can be eating regular foods. Sweet potato, avocado, bananas, applesauce are some good ones. Also, cheerios or little cereal that he can grab. You can introduce dairy, so full fat yogurt, cottage cheese, small pieces of cheese are good.

My son loves dehydrated fruits and veggies - the just tomatoes brand - the peas and corn are easy for him to eat himself.

Babies love to feed themselves. This website has been very helpful for me, especially the part about allergies. Sometimes babies like spicy foods, garlic, curry, Italian. Babies also like to emulate their parents, you could also try feeding her mashed up bites from your plate. If it is possible have her at the table with you she will feel more involved. Rremove the highchair tray and push her up to the table with you.
Also, loss or appetite can be a sign that your LO is not feeling well, i.e. teething or coming down with a bug.

When my son was that age and up to now, I give him organic cookies for his snack. For his (our)meals, i choose fish, vegetables, fruits, beef, eggs, sea foods, soup and as much as possible no pork.
I always make sure that his meal has no added msg or seasoning.

Thanks to everybody for the ideas…
have a good day

Hi PY, I wrote one long list last nigt but it wasn’t posted … must be server error

anyway cutting it short …

avoid fried and oily food, or over flavoured food, reduce salt and flavouring especially food which contains msg
use sea salt instead of table salt
if there is any asthma, eczema or allerges in your family avoid egg white, peanut butter seafood except fish, such as shell fish, crabs and prawns for skin allergy … until at least 18mths

Also depend on the region your from, asia, south asia, europe etc, as the wife consumes such food example spicy they can try a little but … less would be good

too much flavouring is not healthy for the baby, try natural first, example if you want a sweet taste try pumpkin mixed with congee or noodles, tomatoes for some sour taste (remove skin to avoid chocking), dry anchorvies could be used for soup, carrot can be used for flavouring and colouring, but not too much please carrots has carotenes that could impede production of … hmm sth … have to search the web … but not so good for babies if too much … but how much is too much?? i say one portion a week should be enough.

Also give plenty of fruits and vege, leafy green has iron very good for blood production, fruits can be steamed, of course you may say it destroys the vitamins …but how much vitamins does a baby need from an apple?? you can squash it … hmm steam apple, pear, guave etc, but not banana, strawberry, cherry, blue berry etc … fruits and vege can help against constipation … due to its fibre content … if they don’t have back teeth yet they can’t bit or chew the food so they can only squash the fruits with their gum … and apple and pear is too hard to be squashed by gum … so steaming it helps to soften it …

When out you can try western soup with bread, or steam buns, or noodles but must be washed in hot water to reduce flavouring and salt content, too much salt for a very small young baby can result in kidney failure when they grow up, or result in shock …
good luck

hi PY
you can hide vegetables or any thing in smashed potato cuz all children love potato
first put the veg. on blender untile its smmoth then add it to previosly boiled potato then mix togather and make balls other shape then put it in the oven (griil) also i add meat

Thank you, all of you for your nice tips!!!Now I have a better idea.
have a good weekend!