Help with baby carriers

I have a new baby and am a bit stuck with baby carriers. I was given one at my baby shower (a rather expensive one) but it just doesn’t feel right to have bub dangling in front when she is so small.

I’ve seen other mums with slings and wraps and was wondering if anyone has any experience with these sort of carriers or could recommend a good one. I’ve had a look online but they are all expensive and I’d rather see what others thought before forking over the $$$ for another sling.


i have tried a few different ones and so far i really like the Moby wrap carrier $40
(of course if your a do-it-yourself kinda gal you could make one)
the moby wrap is very comfortable, versatile, and adjustable
it also keeps the baby very close and snug right next to you
some reviewers had trouble learning how to wrap it
i found after watching a youtube video it was rather simple
i only wish i bought the wrap right way, my back would have thanked me
best of luck

This is the one I bought and loved. I only wish I had found it sooner.

I had the Sleepy Wrap( same type like Moby). We liked it but my DD didn’t :frowning: .
Later when she got little older we got Ergo: WE ALL LOVE IT and use it up till now.
Highly recommend Ergo for the baby older than 6 months.

Hi SunshineMama

For our newbies we loved pouch slings and rings slings. My all time favourites were the Maya Wrap (padded ringsling) which I still use with my 1 year old for short trips and the Earthsling (pouch) which I used with my DD’s #2 and #3 but sold before #4 thinking I was done with babies lol

I had a moby wrap with dd#3 but found it way too hard to get on and off in a hurry. Mind you I also had an 18mth old at the time so that impacted on it. It was very comfortable for newborns though.

We had an ergo with dd#2 which I liked a lot until I discovered the Yamo with DD#3 which I love, love, love. It is much trimmer than the ergo although it doesn’t have a pocket for your purse and keys. You can use it in a front carry from 4 months and I’ve had my dd#4 in the back carry with it since about 9-10 months. You can get an infant insert for the ergo which we tried with dd#3 but found it really useless. That’s when I bought my first Maya Wrap which I loved so much I bought another one when DD#4 was born.

I have friends who swear by the Maya Tie which is a cross between a wrap and a mei tai for their newborns and it looked really comfortable.

At the moment I am looking at getting a storch since they are great for older babies but I am weighing up whether it’s worth it since Elli is now 1.

Good luck.

Oh thank you! I really like the look of the Moby Wrap since I have been reading The Continuum Concept and am keen to have her in arms most of the time so I should be able to keep it on.

Can you take baby out of the Moby wrap and keep the wrap on and then pop her back in? Also how easy is it to breastfeed in the wrap?

I still love my Maya baby wrap. I can easly bresatfeed my baby (allows you to cover up your baby) while keeping up with my toddler. It’s great in a sense that it allows you to hold your baby in so many different positions. My baby is 8 month old and I’m stil using it a lot, because it’s so multifunctional and easy to wear!!

yes you can keep the wrap on and take her in and out
sometimes when its hot i use it without a shirt so we get a lot of skin to skin contact
you can nurse with it on but i almost never do

Thank you all for your help :slight_smile:

Thank you again for all your help. I have ordered a Maya padded ringsling and a Moby Wrap so am waiting a little impatiently for them to arrive. I’ll update when I’ve had a chance to try them out :happy: