Help to teach my son to read

Hai friends.
My son is 14 months old. He is very active all the time. He always runs around the house and that’s why i am not able to keep him in one place in front of a book or computer. I play the rhymes Cd the whole day and sometimes he stands and watch and them and then run away. What can I do to make him read.

It sounds like you need to incorporate some active games to help him get started. Some moms have their babies jump over the words. You can start by jumping over one and then eventually jump over a whole bunch of words. It would be like word hopscotch. You can also place words around the house and go on a word hunt. Tell your son you are going to find certain words and have him help you. How about foam bath letters to teach words in the tub? How about magnetic letters to make words, or alphabet blocks? There are so many ways to make reading a game. Just get creative.

Use the flash cards at quieter times like during meals while he’s in his highchair, bath time, changing time if he lies still.

My son is 15 mo, and he has started pushing away the cards. I can get hom to do 2-3 cards at a time (doind Doman, said that may be all you can get at this age.) I just started doing some of the ppt slideshows from here (the Doman style ones, but words on one slide, pics on the next.) He really likes it. He’s fascinated with the keyboard on the laptop. His favorite ones are the animal slideshow with animal sounds. I’m saving up for LR. But the ppt shows are a good way to tintroduce him for this style of learning.

So keep trying different mediums.


Thank You friends. I too keep changing the methods of teaching him to read. I don’t compel him to sit anywhere. But when I do create powerpoints for this site he sits with me. But his only motive will be explore everything around the computer and with the switches and mouses. No problem he need to learn all these also.
But as I told you that I play Rhymes CD to him. He identifies the word “clap the words” title of the song. When the word is displayed before the song he starts to clap him hands by himself. I didn’t teach him that. And also when watching Cullen ABC’s Video of “Where is Thumbkin?” he started to point out his fingers and take his hand to back as she does. I think this has been a great improvement. and he wants me to sing that rhymes at bedtime. He will start to do the action and ask me to sing during bedtime. Yesterday When I was trying Eency Wincy Spider he was doing some action taking his hands to the head and bringing it down. I am really happy to see this. But I will be more happy when I see him learn words and identify them.
I am registered to this website only a few days back. and only now I get all new ideas from you all.