Help to start the method again after a pause!!!

Hello everyone, I started with doman’s method since my baby was 4 months old until she was almost 9 months. By this time she got really sick because of some disease from birth I didn’t know she had so for obvious reasons I couldn’t keep teaching her anything. Now she’s almost 13 months old and I want to start again since she’s feeling great now.

What I don’t know is where to start? Do I show where all of the cards she already knew before or should I start where she left? I hope you can help me because I don’t want to leave enerything this way :frowning: she was really excited with it and so was I.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

My little boy has had long pauses (months) between Doman learning periods because of health problems. From what I’ve learned from parents writing on these forums, it’s best to continue from were you left it.
And it proved true in my son’s case. For almost a year and especially at his age (2 yr and 4 months) he’s been learning more faster and he’s much eager than before. For more than a year he hasn’t had health problems, and in time I’ve found teaching methods that suit him.
I could never stop, as I knew how important Doman method was for his brain. Also, he liked it, so I had to continue, even if from time to time. Finally, I’ve organized myself so that no matter what happens in a day, he can benefit from this method whenever he can enjoy it.

Let’s see what other parents, more experienced, say.

Thank you so much! I will follow your adviced :wub:

I agree with Andrea -just start where you left off especially at that age where you are jut introducing words and the concept of print rather than teaching specific sight words or anything - rather introdcue your child to even more words than possibly boring him by repeating words.

My daughter has also had long breaks between learning not due to illness but because I needed to re-evaluate and we were doing other things - she always seemed to do better and learn faster afer a break. The latest break was for a few months (I also became pregnant and struggled a lot through first trimester) and once I started again she went straight into reading books which she hasn’t done before.