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Hi, I’m a mom of 6 little ones. My 2 oldest have had some trouble reading, that’s why I purchased your baby can read for our 5th child. I started him on it when he was 7 1/2 months. I was so excited and determined that this was going to work. I was so excited that I wanted to cry. well he was a very smart baby, so smart strangers would take notice, but he never learned to read. At 2 1/2 now he still can’t read, still real smart but can’t read:( He can’t even pick out which is the correct word… Now with our 6th I would like to give it another go. so I started her on your baby can read at about 4 months, (now almost 6months old). I just recently found this website and am so excited once again! I am also very worried I’m going to be very disappointed… anyway I’m just wondering what happened…why didn’t my child learn to read even though I did what I was supposed to do and how do I make sure that our newest addition doesn’t have the same trouble. BTH, I haven’t given up on our 2 1/2 year old just yet… I’m hoping this program will be the answer. I am wondering though…why did my baby not learn to read? :frowning:

It is just my OPINION, but I find any program that does not involve Lots and lots and lots and little bit more of parent interaction will not be as successful. A baby/child needs to feel the parents love and enjoyment of reading.

I also found that a variety of reading activities are better than just one method. YBCR is good, it has the DVD’s and books. The program will be more successful if you also use flashcards. Little Reader is great, but using LR with flashcards or Readeez or Wink will increase the chances of reading sooner. My DD could read basic words at 2 and now that she is 31/2 she can read almost anything - although she still prefers a larger font size. To teach her to read I used flashcards, YBCR, LR, Readeez, Starfall, Right Brain Kids programs, some Montessori games, and I read (and still read to her) over an hour every day. Plus she sees me reading all the time.

It is just my opinion but I would caution thinking that any one program will Teach a Child to read, especially if the child is sitting by themselves to watch the t.v. or computer. A wide variety of reading activities that include the parents/primary care giver is bound to more enjoyable for that baby, and in the end result in a happier life long reader.

We did the YBCR several times a day together and he loved it. he still loves flash cards on the computer and loves to look at books too. My little guys was and is enjoying himself, it just doesn’t seem that he is remembering the words :frowning: I also have him watch preschool prep… I guess I’ll just keep trying…

Hi, just offering some advice from a professional standpoint.

If your older children have some learning difficulty, you may want to discuss your concerns with your pediatrician. He/she will most likely refer you to a child development specialist. If you are from a developed nation, help may be readily available. It is always better to address the problem at it infancy rather than later.

Good to know you are still very determined to do the best for your baby. Don’t give up!! :slight_smile:

I feel your pain. I have an son (8 yrs old) with reading problems. I bought YBCR for my daughter (age 4 yrs 1 mo) when she was 23 months. She did learn most of the words in the very beginning but she didn’t enjoy the videos. Early on I abandoned the product and switched to Little Reader because it is more flexible. You can even make your own files with it. Also I read some Glenn Doman books and just attacked the whole reading thing from multiple angles. The Little Reader Library has lots of categories from many different authors. We focused on her favorite stuff - food and animals. She loved all of the different voices and images. She would ask to use Little Reader every day so I was just following her lead. I also used physical flashcards, made our own books with my daughter as the main character, read to her daily, had her read grocery list while we shopped, played outdoor games with flashcards, used, letter blocks, etc. It sounds like a lot but it really wasn’t. The goal is just to do a bit everyday if possible but honestly sometimes we only did it a few times per week. We mostly stuff with Little Reader as our main learning vehicle. Then I would reinforce the words from our Little Reader lessons with books, flash cards, and activities that included those same words. My daughter is now reading quickly and fluently on a first grade level. She still has another year before she goes to kindergarten. But just try to reinforce your selected words in many different ways and try to make sure the words are interesting for her. My daughter especially loved looking at her food lessons on little reader before meals and would chose her menu from it. On a sensory level she got to eat her favorite words. Also I would let her eat and do her lessons at the same. She loved to have a smorgasbord of foods on her plate while reading those same words on the computer.

Good Luck, Lori