HELP! She hates tummy time!

My LO is 3months old now and she’s never liked tummy time. She just fusses and starts to cry if I leave her on it. I never got the crawling track and I try to put her on her tummy when she’s taking a nap, but once she’s awake, she prefers sitting in her bouncer or lying on her back.

My questions here are

  1. Did I leave it too late to start doing the tummy time?

  2. should I persist on the tummy time even when she’s crying, and if so, for how long.

  3. Can I just use a gym mat if I can’t get the crawling track

  4. Any other advice/suggestion to make her enjoy being on her tummy?

Thanks a lot.

My son also didn’t like to be on his tummy at that age. I didn’t know about the Doman books until he was nearly 5 months old so I have to admit that I felt a little disheartened when I first read the physically superb book. I felt bad that we had not given him more tummy time earlier and he really didn’t like it. We didn’t get a crawling track as it was just too much of an expense for us living in Australia. We used a Bubba Mat (I think it is an Australian product), but a crawling track would be great if you can afford it or have someone handy to make one.
We just kept giving him brief sessions on his tummy very frequently. We also spent a lot of time on the floor with him talking to him and encouraging him with him toys etc… We ended up spending most of our time on the floor with him.
If he became really distressed we picked him up, but most of the time he was just grizzling so we just stayed on the floor with him and offered encouragement. We purchased a mirror that is designed for babies to look at themselves while on their tummy. I believe that there are a few types available. This really seemed to help. Babies love to look at themselves. We also did the other vestibular type activities mentioned in the Doman books and always made sure that he was wearing comfortable clothing that he could move in.
Our son began to belly crawl at 5 months (not long after starting Doman excerises). We couldn’t believe it as he previously fussed so much when we put him on his tummy. He ended liking it more on his belly than on his back.
I don’t think it is ever too late to concentrate on tummy time. I think the most important thing is to spend a lot of time on the floor with your daughter. She should start to feel more comfortable if you are there with her.
Good luck

Thank you very much for the advice, I guess I just have to try as often as possible. It really does help lying on the floor with her. Thank you so much.

Hi Zoe22

My daughter also went through a stage where she hated tummy time and learnt very quickly that she could roll straight on to her back again.

I used to lay down in front of her so she could look at me and I also put a mirror in front of her so she could see herself. I also let her cry a little bit, but never her let her get to hysterics. I also got one of those U shaped pillows for babies and propped that underneath her. She liked this the most because her chest was off the floor and her hands were more free to play.

I would just continue with it eventually she will like it.

I hope this helps

I recently posted this on another thread. There aren’t many babies who like tummy time. You have to let them spend time on their belly every day from birth. They will fuss, but they will eventually get used to it and like it if you are consistent. Get down on the floor with them and play; give them stimulating toys and mirrors to look at; sing to them and talk to them so they will follow your voice and know that you are right there with them.

My son hated it too, but he got used to it, and actually preferred to be on his stomach.

Hi Zoe22
I have 3 months old son. When he was 2 months old I was introduced to Doman method and importance of crawling. Since then I started to put Eaton on his belly few times a day just for few minutes. Sometimes I allowed him to cry. One day when I wanted to show him some words in the morning (our usual time) he was frustrated, he stomped his feet so strong that I figure out he wants to move. I put him on his belly. He was trying to crawl for 20 minutes until his first cry.

So my advice is:

  1. The baby should sleep on the belly ( I did that after 2 months because of reflux). Baby is moving a lot during sleeping where muscle are used.
  2. Find good time for a baby when he is energetic. My baby is doing his crawling sessions at 6 am and later before noon. Try not to put him on his belly after feeding. (full stomach doesn’t really help)
  3. Put baby on a belly many times a day for a short period of time.
  4. Lay down with him and look into his eyes. Motivate him with nice sound of voice. Use positive words.

Now my baby is 3 months and 3 days old. He has his sessions twice a day for 15-20 min. He loves them a lot.

So be patient like one lady said on the forum. One day baby will decide to crawl.


My LO also hates tummy time. The pediatrician recommended about 30 min 3 times a day, but I feel that it is too much for him right now. I usually try to squeeze a few minutes after diaper change if he is not too upset…

Baby wearing also counts as tummy time! Properly supported, they build the same core muscles. Not only that, they are learning a lot from an ever-changing view of the world. The observe how communication works, and how Mommy (or Daddy!) interact with it. They feel secure hearing your heartbeat and being close. Granted, they won’t learn to crawl while in the wrap, but there is plenty of time for that after they build those core muscles. Besides, my house is too crazy for tiny child to be safe on the floor unless they are with me anyway. lol

This is an excellent article on babywearing and the different kinds products to help you do it. I bought my storchenweige from her and have since tried a few others that haven’t been used half as much. I love my wrap!


Thank you for mentioning babywearing as an alternative to Tummy Time! (You beat me to it, I was about to write about it :yes: ) Karma to you!

I can not emphasize enough the benefits of babywearing.

Also, as a variation of traditional tummy time. Try setting your baby on the firm boppy pillow, his upper body and head would be lifted a bit this way and it can give a bit more motivation to the little one, rather then the hard work of starting all the way from the flat surface :smiley: at the same time, lay down in from of him and interact, smile, encourage, – do not make it a lonely experience, become part of it on his level! Start with small time periods, and finish BEFORE he gets upset, then increase the duration, then introduce flat surface, alternate. Put a fun toy in from of him. Make it fun. And remember we all start with little steps! You will do great.


I have never heard that baby wearing counts as tummy time. My children didn’t spend much time at all on the floor doing tummy time but I did wear them a lot. Interesting…


Sorry, Tamsyn, for the incorrect spelling. :ohmy: Should have checked that before pressing send.