help orphans at XMAS

Hi all,
I have come upon a charity in my internet travels, which I have checked into and it IS legit (you can research for yourself). People around the world who have been to Ghana have met the CEO of this charity, and been to his orphanages (the orphanages his charity helps, should I say) and he does indeeed do the things he claims he does.

He is currently trying to raise funds for the various orphanages christmas parties, and thus far no-one has donated to this years parties. I think it may be because his website is playing up (I cant access it via internet explorer).
Anyhow, he is on facebook, and without being his friend you have access to his wall and photos, and can contact him that way if you feel so moved.

If anyone knows of any church or charity that sends a shipping container to Ghana from your area, it would be nice to collect donated goods (secondhand is fine) to send along to the orphans, and the pregnant women and others he oversees. All sorts of items would be useful…books, clothes, manchester, kitchenware, electronics, toys etc…
Edward Obeng-Kwayke (CEO)

It’s pretty rotten to have no donations for this years Christmas parties!!! A quick whip around an office or playgroup…you wont miss it, but they’ll appreciate it no end. How can they become educated with no books to read? How can they escape poverty with no education - and illiteracy??

Its nice, Nikita, that you have mentioned this charity’s work, I think it is kind of you. I know from first hand experience how difficult it is to work full time helping others and what a blessing every donation is. I Worked with orphans (full time for a few years) in Eastern Europe, Mexico, Chile and Brazil…

The children’s charity organisations the Foundation helps are Liberty Orphanage Home, Needy Children of Gogoikrom, Abono Needy Children and Nothing Pass God Foundation.
They are very lean this year, and would appreciate something special for Christmas.
For instance, if anyone knows of someone going to Ghana, ask them to take some extra clothing in their luggage. Or any organisation sending a shipping container over…donate used goods. (Books, clothing, an old computer, shoes, manchester, kitchenware, toys etc).
You could always google those establishments and fund them directly…let them know how you heard about them.

These are photos from last years Christmas parties. The group photo is at Liberty orphanage. Just to get a bottle of Coke or Fanta each and a meal of chicken and rice, some toffee and one present was a big deal. Edward had a stereo with music set up, balloons and streamers, and they all had a dance.
The clothing presents picture was early last year, when they received boxes of clothing from Edward.

its a very kind of you to do this things :slight_smile: i myself do help too by giving half of the bonus i get, its not that big but it still helps