help needed urgently regarding maths equations

hi there.

i have implemented my maths program about 3 weeks ago. i usually tend to not stick to the program and i add my own ideas but for the maths one i want to follow a tried and tested technique.

i am following the doman maths schedule. i have differed from the program only by using mickey mouse as my number quantity icon.

when i used powerpoint for my equations which i made specifically for each day so that they would always be different my son seemed to kinda enjoy it. i always have to call him and then carry him to the laptop or bring the laptop to him. he sits through the equation session but that was enough.

i also didnt see his eyes light up.

now with little maths he loves the equations and sits through all three equations in one session.

i want to stick to the 3 equations per session but i cant help but wonder if it would be okay to show him more. like 8 or 9 purely because he wants more.

i am just worried that by adding more i may take the joy of LM away which i dont want to do. i believe that some people havent had a success with teaching maths

Sa’ad is 2 already so i feel like i am a little late with his maths.

should i show him more or should i stick to three.

i would also appreciate it if you could share your maths methodology with me and your successes and challenges as well

thank you

I discussed sth on GD math on the above link …

with regards to your qns … well GD say sstop before they want to stop to avoid overkill … i can understand baout sitting down, in front of your pc … and its tempting to do more and more …

but lets try it this way … if he likes reading more and story telling … then tell a story … which can be like having fun playing … and suddenly you say stop lets do some equations … and switch to LM again … or watch some u tube and then hey lets do maths …

2 yrs old … well basic idea is to understand the operators … once he knows how to add subtract etc … well that’s the basic idea …

Fatima remeber- always finish before your child wants to finish :slight_smile: If you do too many equasions at one session it may not be much fun anymore, my advice - stick to three equsions

My son also likes LM especially balls icons. Each time we finish he wants to see more so I just try to distract him with something else. And so far this is working great, he laughs when I tell him it’s math time, this never happened when I was using dot cards. With cards I was able to show him 1-2 equsions during one sessions, now we are doing 9 a day. This is great :biggrin:

thanx trinity papa and joanna07

i guess that is the basic rule. stop before your child wants to.

trinity papa do you do the teaching?!!

have you guys tried problem solving or are you just trusting that they are learning?

i am just placing my trust in Sa’ad and i am hoping that he is soaking up this info. i am very nervous about the maths program and i’d like Sa’ad to succeed in it as i wasnt a great mathematician in school.

right now i am beginning to understand maths and what it means and i just want to do equations. its the weirdest thing!!

im just hoping for the best. atleast we having fun.

I also have trouble with this. My daughter always wants more, more, more of everything. She weeps, and she doesn’t cry very much. I try to distract. She’s not very distractable. She is very strong willed and determined. I don’t want it to be a negative experience.
I also don’t want her sitting in front of the computer all day. Any ideas on how to end on a positive note?

When I first starting doing the math program with my son, I had no way of actually knowing if he got it until the problem solving part. I wasn’t worried about whether or not he was taking it in because he stayed glued to the screen until we were done. I did alter the reading program to fit us, but with the math I decided to follow it exactly as it says and so far it has been great!!

We are now working on greater than less than (>,<) in english and I plan on picking back up with math in the other languages I am teaching him as soon as I get LM set up again!!