Help! Need advice on my son learning

Hi all,

Mon son is 2 years old and has just recovered form a glue hear.
His speech is delayed of about a year. Where do I start? any advice to stimulate his speech?
We are speaking french at home and he is exposed to the english at the childminder.


Hi There!
My son was speech delayed too. I found the more we worked on reading the better his speech got. Then as he got older and we introduced phonics it helped clear his speech up too. Depending how open he is to it Super Star Speech has some speech games you can play. And Twin Sisters has some speech CDs that are great too
Good Luck

Hello Carine,

My daughter is speech delayed too. She had a history of glue ear and was operated at about 2.5. Although some audiology doctors, who were assessing her hearing prior to the operation, did not think that the fact that her glue ear was the major cause of her speech delay, I do think that this definitely did not help. This and the fact that, because of our family circumstances, she has to be exposed to three languages, although, again, there is no evidence that this would be the determining factor, according to some researchers.

I am happy your son is recovered and I am sure it will help him to pick up with his speech. Has he been assessed by a speech therapist? If yes, then they may have told you what level of comprehension and expression he is at. Or, perhaps, he is at the age-appropriate level of language development and is only behind in his speech/articulation?

My daughter has had two short blocks of speech therapy in the past year and over this time she progressed from single word comprehension and expression to about four-word level (in English, it was not possible to assess these in Russian, her leading language). I have been given some general advice, as well as a few specific exercises to do at home. They were all aimed at language development rather that at working on formation of sounds as such as the SLT did not believe it was reasonable to work on her articulation just then. Let me know if these may be of interest.

Yeah, your child is late in speaking well, but he can learn now how to develop communication skill. 2 year old child is able to speak 50-70 words and able to joint these words and can make sentences. You are not too much late, you can help your child in developing speech by taking help of a speech therapist.

My son was speech delayed after several major speech regressions and like waterdreamer, teaching reading really helped. We started with whole words. Flashing, cards and pictures rapidly. Then doing them slowly and having him repeat. We eventually added phonems when I introduced phonics and his speech took off. his grammar and articulation are quite good for 2.5 now.

Before my son was able to talk we used sign language to Communicate and help relieve frustration.

yes, i think alot of reading to your son would be useful. Do flashing of flashcards would be effective too. You can slowly expose your child to single words first, and move on to two words, and slowly phrases and sentences. You might want to play those flashcards dvds like brillkids or winktolearn (programs that i tried before) as they provide pronounciation too. Hopefully all the advices help! All the best!