Help me please !!!

Hi All,

I am a mother of 2 sweet angels (twins) of age 10 months.
I just came across this forum. And found it interesting…

I am a working women (10-12hr I am away from home) and
want to know, whatever time I am getting, how I can spend with them effectively.

I am really finding it difficult to manage twin babies (who are non-identical
and having exactly opposite behavior).
Their sleep time and habits are also different.

please give me some suggestions about how to teach them as their liking are different.

– kreena

Welcome, Kreena!

What sort of problems exactly are you encountering? Is it a problem of just scheduling? What programs are you using to teach, if any?

Sorry, can’t say much right now, but perhaps others who have twins can!


When my babies were small I have always leaned on television to help me through the rough spots. I love great educational videos that teach as well as entertain. I knew I could feel good about time spent in front of the TV if the content was good. With you being a working mom and having twins you might want to check out some educational videos for your pair. Maybe you will find something they like and it can fill in a bit for you since you have your hands full.

You can check with your library first or Netflix and see if they like the DVDs.

My recommendations would be as follows:

Monki See Monki Doo or Your Baby Can Read or both to teach your babies to read and get them familiar with the written language.
Signing Time to teach sign language and they include great music. These videos are well done.
Little Pim to teach foreign language, any you choose.
Brainy Baby has some great DVDs also on all sorts of subjects and
Sesame Street Learning About Letters to teach ABC’s and Learning About Numbers to teach them how to count.

Those are my favorites and my personal recommendations. Good content on DVD is worth its weight in gold during the first 2 years in my opinion. When I would turn on a DVD and know I had 30 minutes to work I was like a buzz bomb around the house. Hope that helps.

Twins alone is a handful, and you are also working 10-12 hours. The best thing I can suggest is get all the help you can from others. I am sure your time with them is limited so I would not recommend sitting them in from of the TV watching videos. Whoever is watching your children while you are working should be doing things to help educate your twins. I know you are tired but play and have fun with them. They learn most from play. Just make your play educational. When they are young 5 minutes on each topic and change. You basically have to educate yourself so you can play with your children and teach them at the same time. Videos can be an aid “Your Baby Can Read” is the best.

Start with teaching them to read. While teaching them to read you will also teach shapes, colors, abc, counting … all the normal thing you teach babies. Every baby loves music so work music into play lessons. Most important thing is make it fun.