help me figure out how not to miss forum posts and a small update about us

Dear friends
i love this community and enjoy most posts . unfortunately I am always behind and cannot figure out how to keep up . i belong to other yahoo groups ( well kids and special need since i have a specialneed daughter ) it is much easier for me to get the emails in my inbox than i can scan them quickly with my finger on the delete button . with brillbaby i only get a weekly digest than i go back to the group and read a topic and find out a whole chain of emails that i didn’t know about that i missed , and most of the time i will stay up very late trying to catch up on what i missed .
i have also a lot i feel i could benefit others i did doman with great success , i am currently following montessori with my second child taking montessori training course , have a third ds 18 months old who despite not really doing much with him is accidentally learning more than both by just absorbing all what is in his environment . i love the subject about pregnancy and birth , i had traumatic first delivery but than followed by wonderful 2 unassisted water homebirth . i like also discussions about languages , well and almsot everything related to our kids . my kids are my life , i am with them all the time doing things together , i missed them in my sleep .
so any idea please how to keep track with group posts so i can read what is new every day instead of having tons of posts to scan through once a week than find out i missed so much .
also they are members i really enjoy their posts , what i do now is clicking on the member name go to his profile than click on latest posts . is there a way to get these members posts directly in my inbox ??
KL can you advice ??

oh talking about accidental learning , i did too much structured teaching with my specialneed daughter following doman intensive program that when i had my second dd i had the intention even dreamed of doing it the second time with a well child but found it very challenging ( still work intensively on my hurt dd ) , and once i got my third after such long marathon i kinda of got out of breath hihihi .
really i just felt i want less structure more spontaneity , i did flashcards with my second dd she is very smart very articulated very different than her four years old friends i put her in school for 2 weeks than pulled her out for the same reason dad dude and other decided to homeschool their kids , she has excellent memory , excellent physically ,… still no reading . i refuse to think she has a problem , i believe her brain is busy figuring out other staff and reading will come in its own time .
her brother 18 months is the one i refer too with accidental learning , i do have lm and lR but i am the worse person when it comes to consistency , i guess like i said because my life was run by a clock for years working with my special need daughter , we had to time everything even our hugs ( a bit exagerating LOL ), than i suddenly felt with this one i take my days at they come and let him tell me what he is interested in , so no late night material preparations , and sets of bits ready on the dining room table , no lists of activities to do like how i did with his sisters , waking up , reading , physical program , music, flashcards,… bla bla bla …i run LR once a day and not evne every day .
i sometime feel i am doing nothing , his sister dd4 takes most of my time and he is just around absorbing , i felt bad for long time not even able to set up a bed time routine for him like i have for her bath reading from a book , a poerm , a bible story , music listening ,… most of the time he is nursing when i am doing all of that for her .
and he continue to surprise us , at only 18 months , his language is amazing picking up new words at lightning speed , the onyl math i do for him is when he is nursing i point to body parts and count them , he enjoys saying that mama got two boobiz , than 2 eyes 2 ears one nose … five fingers …
few days ago we visited friends and the mum came to me jumping up and down telling me ; DID YOU KNOW YOUR BABY CAN COUNT , she said watch this , she sat him on her lap in front of the table than got some matchboxes and asked him how many and he said 2 which was correct , than she put 4 and he said 4 , she took away one and he said 3 .
the girls were playing with firdge magnet he held the M and he said mmmmm , than he held the C run after his sister calling her nina for christina , saying cccc for nina .
i must say his siter was speaking in sentences at his age but she didn’t figure out the sounds of the letters till she was three and i got a bit frustrated than , now i laugh about myself , he knows many sounds but not yet as articulated as her at her age , she swam like a fish at his age , he doesn’t like swimming much , she took long to be interested in puzzzles , and even now i have to push a bit for her to try to make one , he goes to the shelf and pull out puzzles and sits on the floor trying to make them . she has no interest in writing at early age , she stayed at the scribbling atage very long and now she can produce beautiful drawings but still no interest in writting she loves what she says drawing her letters on her blackboard , i actually do not have many of her drawing on paper , i had to take photos of them on the blackboard so i can have them saved . ds18 months can find his own paper brings it over with a pencil for me and one for him and says mama write , and he wants me to sit with him on the floor and make lines , and you can see how focus he is on his lines not the normal scribbles babies do .

so conclusion and sorry if this was too long or it is not in the right forum , please just relax and accept that kids develop in their own time , i am not saying not to do all those wonderful things you are doing , and giving your kids all these wonderful opportunities to learn but as a silent reader i can feel many times stress in posts and frustrations , i am shocked when parents asks if their kids could have dislexia and they are only 1 . well i was told at some point that my daughter needed to be medicated for them she was wild , for us me and her father she was left to be a child , and now the same people comment on how well behaved she is and how she changed , and how different she is from other kids her age .
i really encourage you to read more on Montessori philosophy i love how much they respect the child and encourage the parent to set up a healthy environment than step back and watch the child blossom .
and you cannot do that with the feeling that many parents have here that if you didn’t start at 1 week old your baby is missing something , please relax and enjoy your time with your baby, i live in a community where most babies are left to be raised by nannies , and teaching kids is left exclusively to the school system , that is why i am the weirdo mum in my community , oh i did get this once from a friend : you are the best mum i know , i cannot do what you are doing , you are special . SHe should come here and see that i am not that special and i am not the best , i am not a weirdo , and meet all of you wonderful mummies and daddies . i told all the mums i knew about brilbabies not one checked it out .
ok enough for now sorry this got very long i don’t come here often , i hope this will change , i just wanted to share with you what is going on around here .
love and blessings

Thanks for this Bella,

The amount of time I have spent worrying that I am not doing enough with my child has brought me a lot of anxiety.

Thankyou for your post it has allowed me to relax just a little.